Part 98 - Reunite

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Part 98


A loud deafening sound.

Visions of me running through the passage trying to escape the bomb.

The blast effect throwing me against the wall.

Feeling crushing pain all over my body.

Such scenes and memories keep popping up as I open my eyes in horror and shock.

Taking deep breaths and feeling sweat all over my face, I look around and realize that I am no longer in that tunnel. Am I dead or did I survive that blast? I am not able to recognize the surroundings of the room. I look around only to see two beds, one is empty and I am on the other one. The room is pretty empty with very less furniture and other stuff.

Soon enough the door on the side opens up and Roman from the washroom.

"Hey Nick! Finally you're up!" Roman exclaims as we see each other.
Getting off the bed, we walk towards each other as I say as we hug "Thank god you're fine! Where the hell are we? "
Breaking the hug Roman says "No idea!"

" Okay.. and where's Mike and Wes? Are they here as well?" I cant help but wonder what happened to my father-in-law and Wesley. Are they also here? Were we also rescued together? And most importantly, who rescued us? After all we had no reached the end of the passage and no one except the four of us knew that we were in there.

"Only you and me are here Nick! Looked everywhere but nothing and no one!"

As many more such questions and doubts start popping up in my mind. Roman also has the same doubts as me. Speaking to my younger brother, I realize that he is as clueless as I am right now. Apparently Roman also woke up just some time before me and since then he's also trying to understand what's going on and where we are. We try to open the door but we are unable to. We still have many doubts and questions right now.

We try to figure out a way to get out of the room we are currently being held captive in.

But before we can think of any plan regarding the same, the door opens and a familiar face walks in.

"Hey Mate! What's up!" Wesley says as he smiles at us.
So he did survive!
Wesley is fine.

"You're fine!" Roman states as we are both relieved.
Soon Wesley confirms "Yes we all are!"

"And why did you lock us in here?" I let out naturally.
Okay we are all fine.
I am very much happy about that.
After all we kind of escaped death.
But why would you lock us in a room while you roam out freely.
Not fair Wes!

"Because you were both pretty seriously injured and needed to be taken care of! Moreover with Nicole and the mafia's problems it was best that you both disappear for some time!" is how Wesley dismisses my concern.

Makes sense.
To get rid of Nicole and his Mafia pals has been a pain in the neck.
Hopefully we will now be able to find a way and stay out of their radar.
After all I dont want the mafia to find me and my family after I ruined Nicole and burnt their money.
They must be holding me and Roman responsible for everything along with Nicole.

"Here! Get ready! Dont you wanna meet your wives?" Wesley prompts us to change our clothes as he gives us new ones.

Off course my Maya!
My reason to fight!
My motivation to be better!
My wife!
Fuck everything else!
I want my wife more than anything else right now!
I just want to be near her. To hug her. To kiss her. To see her.

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