Part 75 - True Feelings

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It's literally 2:45 in the morning right now.
My odd posting timing 🧐
Anyways happy reading.

Part 75


After Mike confessed his part of the truth regarding Jennifer and revealing the Valentino Brothers his plan and asking them help to rescue Amelia, things have been going on pretty good. Thanks to the work done by the detective and the additional work done by the Valentino Brothers, by now the exact whereabouts of Amelia is finally known.

Amelia has also been slowly and indirectly informed by Mike that soon she will be free. After having spent years away from each other and with their only means of communication being a once a week video call that too under Jennifer's supervision, Ameila and Mike learnt to talk in code so that Jennifer doesnt get any hint about all that the brother-sister duo have had going on behind her back.

Mike and especially Amelia had suffered so very much all thanks to Jennifer's insane obsession. Hence Mike is very much determined to make Jennifer go through at least half of the sufferings that they have been inflicted. And he will indeed make sure that Jennifer suffers once he gets Amelia freed. And the plan towards the freedom of Amelia and Mike from Jennifer's blackmail has already begun.

Today is also the weekend as the normal routine, Mike is currently in his home office where Jennifer is seated not far away as she uses her phone for some business purposes while Mike is seated at his chair and talking to his sister via his laptop.

" Also went to Valentino Villa yesterday.. Maya's health is getting better and better. Her legs are now completely fine. The one who's extremely happy about that is without any doubt Nick I dont know how but the way that man changed himself and takes care of his family is just very very recommendable.

Following Nick's path, Roman is also one hell of a great husband. The way and with the great patience that he's been handing and taking care of Gracy just blows my mind off.!!

Gracy's pregnancy has brought a lot of changes in the lives of the Valentinos. Everyone has been having a hard time dealing with her mood swings. These 29 weeks that she's been pregnant, the entire Valentino family has been going on a rollercoaster ride. Gracy gets angry for stupid reasons on Roman and then when she calms down, she gets angry on herself for getting angry on her husband for no reason.

Maya and Nick have literally turned into her personal chefs, cooking everything and anything that she'd wanna eat..

I never thought that I would ever see these two girls be so happy and at peace ever. Especially after all the hell they have gone through. They never got their parents' love but at least they have their husbands who care for them so much. Just see how much happy and blessed they are all together.. "
Mike chats happily about the recent happenings with Maya and Gracy as he looks at his sister on the screen informing her as he shows her the latest picture he took on his phone.

Elated hearing that the girls for whom she's subjected herself to such a hard situation are very happy and living a blessed life despite Jennifer's tries to do otherwise, Amelia couldnt help but express her joy at the moment as she sees the pleasant pictures of the Valentinos ;
" God!!!
They all look so happy.
That's all that I've ever wanted.. "

" I'm so sorry Liaa that you have to miss on all on this because "

Mike says noticing the small tears forming in his sister's eyes making him bad about the entire messed up situation calling Amelia by her nickname.

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