Part 34 - Truth Or Dare

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Part 34


Despite the arrival of Nicholas and Roman here in Switzerland, our vacation is still going on very well. We've spent the last two days exploring and doing many other activities. Not to mention that I had to book Gracy's special spa relaxation session for her to stop nagging me. And then using that as an opportunity, Roman and I also joined her while Nicholas on the other hand preferred to stay back at the cottage with Bunny.

The thing that I personally found to be the most funny in these two last days is that Roman and Nicholas didn't even touch their laptops nor picked any work related calls despite they said they would.
And the most awkward thing to happen in the last two days is that Nicholas and I kissed again.. Accidentally again... Because of Gracy's clumsiness this time.

Off course neither Nicholas nor I brought up this topic. In fact we didn't even talk much to each other after that. It's more like Nicholas and I have been avoiding each other as a plague.

Present Day
The Cottage
Living Room

It's been a while since Gracy and Roman have gone to the village along with Bunny to buy some grocery.
With only me and Nicholas in the cottage, I try my best to not to anything stupid to put myself in an awkward situation again. I'm currently sitting near the chimney with a cup of tea and reading a book which I bought yesterday but my mind is on all what has been happening lately. As it is, it seems like those three have pledged to put Nicholas and me in awkward situations. First Bunny, then Roman and now Gracy.
God what's wrong with them..!?

" Roman just called... Said that he, Gracy and Bunny will be back a little late.. Apparently there's some kind of children's contest being held in the village in which Bunny wants to participate. I told them to take their time to return..!!! "
Nicholas says as he walks down the stairs and come to sit next to me near the fire place.

" Ooo.. Okay... "
Is what I reply.

" Well... Since they are going to take some time before getting back, what do we do..??? "
Nicholas asks me with a hint of naughtiness in my eyes.

" What.. Do... You.. Mean.. By.. That...? "
I ask him emphasizing on each word.

" As in... Doing something exciting... Something that we've never ever done before...!!! "
He replies as that naughtiness never leaves his eyes. That means me realize that he's deliberately saying all that to make me awkward for that damn kiss.

Not willing to let him know that he's succeeded in making uncomfortable, I reply trying to not make a fool of myself again as I say with as much as courage and confidence I can in my voice while looking right in his eyes ;
" Really...!!! And what do you propose..??? "

" Something likeeeeeee......."
Nicholas says as he slowly puts his hand near me as he slightly touches my hand while I try my best to not show any kind of reaction with our eyes still locked into each other and suddenly he puts a bottle in front of my face.
" This....!!! "

" What the heck do you want me to do with that..??? What kind of excitement do you expect from this damned bottle..??? "
I blurt out out of shock trying to understand what's going on in his mind.

I see him halfsmirk at my reaction as a small grin then forms on his face as he says ;
" I meant truth or dare...!!!
I've heard that it's a very exciting game to play... That's what I was talking about..!!
But you...!!! What did you think about.?? "

With him saying that, I feel like a complete moron as my mind had already gone too far. For the very first time of my life, a man has been able to get me off track so much.

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