Part 89 - Her Style To Confront

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Part 89


After spending Nicholas's birthday night and the following day at the hotel, Nicholas wanted to stay more at the hotel with Maya but things didnt really according to his plans as an urgent business matter cropped up all of a sudden. Before going to his office, Nicholas dropped by his nearby hospital and went to see Daniel along with Maya.

Knowing that he's been very demanding, it took a while for Nicolas to realize that Maya has just fully recovered and he needs to be more careful towards his desires. Recalling how needy he has been in the last two days, Nicholas felt bad for unleashing himself like that on Maya. Learning that he can finally have his wife for himself after the baffling and strenuous wait of two and a half years of self-control, Nicholas lost his mind at that moment.

After Daniel checked on Maya confirming the situation that everything is fine, the doctor then was asked more questions about them getting pregnant by Nicholas who still wanted him and Maya to have a daughter together. As the two men talked, Maya felt coy with Nicholas's direct approach to Daniel on the subject hence she walked out of the cabin making the excuse of having to use the washroom.


" Hey Nicholas.!! "
Nicholas hears Maya's voice as he enters the cabin. Looking that direction, Nicholas see Maya who has been sitting on the sofa all this time. Ever since they left the hospital, Maya has been lost in deep thoughts, unaware of what's going on in his wife's mind, Nicholas assumes that being away from the kids, Maya must be thinking about them hence he doesnt really bother himself and had left to attend the urgent matters he came for leaving Maya in his cabin.

" Yesterday you were not in the mood to listen and understand me and I wasnt really in a position to explain it to you! So I thought I'll wait a little then tell you this! And now just seems to be the perfect opportunity! " Suddenly Maya says all smiling as she gets up from the sofa and Nicholas walks towards her.

Seeing the glistening look that comes on his wife's face as he walks towards her, Nicholas feels he's about to get lucky. Without caring for anything more, the carefree man just walks towards his wife concentrating on her words. Soon the couple are standing face to face smiling at each other as Maya wraps her hands on Nicholas's shirt's collar and says hovering near his face; " I need to tell you something Nicholas! And I need to understand me on it as well! "

Hearing Maya call him by his name, Nicholas is a little unhappy as he wants his wife to call him Honey just like he calls her Pumpkin then he's all prepared to scold her; " Pumpkin, It's Honnn Ouchhhhh.. Fuckkkkk!!!!!! "

Nicholas starts to chide Maya but before he can complete his sentence, Nicholas falls on the sofa holding his crotch hissing in pain as Maya who was standing and holding him close to her suddenly raises her leg knocking Nicholas hard in between the legs with a stern expression replacing her earlier cool and happy expression.

Aghast by Maya's sudden violent action, Nicholas is taken aback. Outraged by Maya's doing, Nicholas who's still on the sofa trying to compose himself and recover from the pain shooting in his private part, is about to open his mouth to shout at Maya but before he can, Maya herself lowers her face to be just in front of Nicholas with a tough and bitter expression all over her face.

" When I say stop, you stop! When I say I can't continue, you dont continue! When I say dont go crazy in me, then you control your crazy dick and respect me! I am your wife! Not a fucking mistress like that Nilda with whom you used to have your way done with! You dont get to do that with me! You dont get to ignore what I say! What you did yesterday should not happen again! I get it you were upset about me lying to you, and it was okay for you to be upset. But what you did after that, is not something I am a fan of!

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