Part 3- The New Day

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Part 3


"Don't you dare think that just because we're married, you have the right or any kind of authority to stop me or say any fucking thing to me. You're are nobody to me. I give a damn about you and what you think. So STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU BITCH!"

Still in the shock that he actually have pulled a gun on me, I stay rooted at my place while he walks away. Finally recovering from what has just transpired and wiping the unwanted tears from my face, I walk back inside. Thankfully I spot a waiter.

"Excuse me.. Can you guide me to my room please. I'm kind of lost." I say trying to sound normal as I give him the room's card.

While the waiter gives me a surprised look and replies. "Sure mam. This way." He says while showing the way as I follow him.

" Hmmm. Are you okay mam?" He says.

" Yes I'm perfectly fine." I lie.

He just nods clearly not convinced as we reach the room, after thanking him I enter the room. As I switch the lights, I see one beautiful honeymoon suite. Decorated with flowers, candle and all the lovey dovey stuff for newly wedded ones. But as I face the mirror, I look at myself in horror.

Now I realize why that waiter had a surprised look. Because right now I'm looking like hell.
My lipstick is all smeared up all over my lips and cheeks and the tears have messed up all my make-up.

I take a pair of leggings and a T-shirt from my suitcase which is already in the room and go to the washroom to remove that make-up and the gown.

After some minutes, I come back. Still no trace of my Hus... Of that man... Where the hell is he?? Well... We need to talk. We seriously need to talk. What he did was wrong. And he should realize that.

First I need to calm myself. I go to the balcony for some fresh air.. The view from the balcony is beautiful, at 4 in the morning, with the lights still on and the sun starting to rise. I spot a wooden the and its matching chairs in the balcony. I sit on the one of the chairs in the balcony waiting for him. But defeated by fatigue, I don't know when my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep there itself.

As the rays of the sun fall on my eyes, my sleep gets disturbed.
Okay I get it. It's morning. But I don't want to get up right now...
I turn around to escape it but fall down hard on my left side.

As I feel my hand paining, I slowly open my eyes. The memories of last night hit me, I stand up quickly but to my bad luck a sharp pain hits my back. Regretting that quick action, I sit back on the chair and wait for the pain to calm down. As I feel better as time passes, I go inside, to the room. The sheets are messed. So he did return back after i fell asleep, he also slept on the bed and he didn't even bother to wake me up. He left me out there sleeping on that wooden chair. Still feeling a little pain in my back and hand, I'm about to move towards the washroom to freshen up when my eyes fall on the side table of the bed.

There's a tray of food there. I go near it and see that there's sandwiches, a glass of juice, a cup of coffee apparently very strong of since it's smelling like that, some cookies with a beautiful bunch of red flowers as well with a piece of paper on the side. I pick the paper and read.

" I know that the way I behaved lastly has hurt you a lot. And I am sorry.. I swear I am really very very sorry.. I am ashamed of that. I promise that this will not happen again. I was already tensed and I said all those things out of anger. I didn't mean any of them. I really want to make up for that.. So hurry up.. I'm waiting for you at the back of the hotel near the beach area. I have a small surprise for you. Come fast.

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