Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

April 17, 2019 (Skype call)

London; 11pm

Leigh was watching a movie when her computer has Skype going off, and she goes to answer it and sees Ash on the other end in tears.

"Girl, what's wrong?" she asked.

Ash tries to calm down saying, "The show... it's ruined... mom and dad shouldn't have let me do it... this whole entire week has gone bad luck." She starts blowing her nose and wipes her tears.

"Ash, what happened?" Leigh asked.

"The harness snapped as Mary Poppins was flying; luckily she was caught by a few crew members, so she's okay. One of the sets wasn't nailed together after they glued it. It fell; luckily no one was hurt. Michael can't keep his pants up. Bert lost his voice, so now we might have to get his understudy to play Bert if his voice isn't back in time..." Ash cries more. "I just want to go away and never come back. I will take my name off everything, leave Tom and Carol in charge, and stay at home with Sean. I'll get back into writing my stories again, and when you're here, we'll go see Sean's play, and maybe go to a cabin or go somewhere to a hotel and stay there until we leave for London with you."

Leigh laughs, "You're having a bad day. Charles and Cam are going through their fifth divorce right now."

Ash calms down, "Wow, their fifth one? I wonder if lucky number seven will ever do the trick." Leigh sees Ash typing at the computer, "Wow, it's there, oh lovely and Harry has another love child, again." Ash giggles, "Isn't that their fourth call-out on that now? Will these creeps ever learn?"

"That's the media for ya," Leigh sighed. "Feel better?"

Leigh always knew how to make Ash feel better. Ash loved the Royal Family, just like the rest of the world, but Leigh knew anything the tabloids covered, which Ash and she knew were fake news, they always joked about it.

Ash sighs, "Ya." She types again at the keyboard and is studying something. "I do wish I was living there with you, but... it's life." She looks at the screen at Leigh again. "I guess after this summer break, I'll be coming home and running this business again. I'll just never get away from Oregon."

"I understand a little, and I mean you could meet a guy over here, fall in love, and never return to Oregon outside of visiting," Leigh states with a sigh.

"Wouldn't that be great," Ash smiled, "At least I would be closer to you for sure. Sean would go to a better school, better colleges too."

"So how is my little buddy doing anyway?" Leigh asked, changing the subject.

"He is doing well; he has me run lines with him every night before bed," Ash answered smiling.

"Is he remembering them?"

"He's getting there; he's struggling with the larger dialogs, but he can do it. They started rehearsals in March. They have to have their lines memorized by next week."

"You're loving it aren't you?" Leigh asked.

Ash smiled, "Ya, my baby is playing my favorite play and is the King Fairy."

"He's okay with the costume right?"

Ash laughed, "He was worried about it at first until I reminded him that Robin Hood wore tights, super heroes, and the WWE guys sometimes do. I mean Dwayne Johnson wore tights for the Tooth Fairy movie. He understands."

Leigh laughs, "I'm glad that he gets it."

"Me too."

The girls started talking about the plans for Leigh coming.

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