Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

July 5

Harry and Ash were chatting going toward the front doors of Leigh's place.

"Are you sure that you can't stay?" she asked.

"Believe me. I don't want to leave, but I do have some business to take care of in the morning," Harry told her.

As they reach the doors, Harry kisses her. "But I think that it's time for you to shine."

Ash giggles, "What do you mean? I'm already out there in the public eye with you."

Harry smiles, "I think it's time for you to finally meet the family."

Ash chuckles with a smile, "I've already met Will and Kate and the kids."

"I wasn't talking about them;" he pauses and looks deep into her eyes, "I meant the rest of the family."

"The only members I haven't met are..." Ash inhaled. "No... no no no... Harry I'm not ready for her majesty yet."

He smiled, "I think you are. I'll be by around five tomorrow night. You can have dinner with all of us. I'll make sure that Will and Kate are there too. Have Sean come along, she needs to meet him too." He kisses her again. "I'll see you tomorrow night."

He goes out the door as Ash watches him walk to his car, and leaves while she shuts the door behind her.

"Leigh!?" Ash called out and headed for the office.


Ash got to the office and saw Leigh looking at some papers at her desk while Sean and Michelle were playing chess.

"What is it?" Leigh asked.

"Um, Harry wants me to go have dinner with him tomorrow night."

"That's normal," she smiled, "What's wrong with that?"

"He wants me to meet the rest of the family."

"But you've already met Will and Kate... that only means..." she froze and looked at Ash with wide eyes and smiled.

"Her!" Ash said. "He wants me to meet her."

"OMG," Leigh cheered.

"What?" Michelle asked as she and Sean looked over.

"I'm meeting the queen herself... tomorrow night," Ash answered.

Michelle got a little bit excited and cheers.

"I can't do it Leigh; I'm not ready," Ash panicked.

Leigh goes around the desk to face Ash, and touches her shoulders, "Yes you can. We've prepared you for this. Well," she smiles with a chuckle, "I prepared you for this."

"Ya, but in a fanfiction," Ash told her with a nervous laugh. "What if I mess up? What if she doesn't like me? She doesn't think I'm not fit for Harry or Royal material?"

"Ash... don't you think that. If Harry didn't think that you were ready, he wouldn't have asked you to go right?"

"No," Ash answered.

"Okay then. You're going."

"But... I don't have anything to wear."

"Wear that blue sundress," Michelle told her.

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