Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Ash never heard back from Lin or Harry the next day, or the day after that. Ash wasn't sure if she was going to have to work on picking the final drawing alone or wait. She emailed Carol and told her that the surprise guest is busy, but will help pick the winners; just needed some time to choose.

She didn't say anything to the others in the home, and just buried herself in reading a book to pass the time. She decided to give Lin until the following week, if he never came back or called her, she would just choose the drawings herself, and know that her and Harry weren't meant to be after all, and move on enjoying her vacation and not waste time to hear back from them.

Thursday rolled around, and Ash decided to pick the winners herself. She took one folder, spread the top five pictures out and studied them.

"What are you doing?" she heard.

She turned to see Leigh in the doorway watching her.

"I need something to do, so I thought that I would just pick the winners on my own."

"But I thought you and Lin did the picking."

Ash shakes her head, "Not after I told him about the dream."

"You told Harry and him?"

"Not everything, but that I dreamed about Lin and the other part."

"So, you didn't finish picking?"

Ash sighed, "We chose the winner from the first two groups, but he needed a break because it was a lot to look at, and after we had something to drink and cookies, I told him."

Leigh nods, "So, you're going to take this choosing away from him?"

"Well, I can wait, I guess, but I don't know when or if he'll come back." She decided not to tell Leigh about the kiss with Lin.

"What about Harry?"

"He stormed out and asked for some time and he'll talk to me later."

"So since Sunday, you haven't heard from either of them?"

"Ya," Ash nods.

"Did you reach out?"

"They asked for some space and they would contact me."

Leigh nods, "So what do you want to do?"

"I either leave them both alone and move on, or maybe I could send them an 'I'm sorry' gift," she sits down in a chair. "I wish I never told them about the dream."

"You know that you shouldn't have told them in the first place."

"But I didn't want to feel weird around Lin when we're together."

"I understand," Leigh sits down beside Ash. "So, again what do you want to do?"

"Should I send them an 'I'm sorry' gift?"

"You could, but what?"

Ash gets onto her phone and does some research, "Do you think they'll be okay with a bouquet of flowers?"

"You could. But what flower since flowers have different meanings?"

Ash nods, "How about purple hyacinth? It says that it means 'sorry'. I am sorry for what I did. I'm hoping that I didn't lose friendships."

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