Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Sept. 28

Leigh's place; Noon

Leigh and Robert invited Will and Kate over for lunch. Sean was back at Eton and Michelle was inside working on schoolwork. The four were sitting down outside chatting and visiting when Nancy was pouring them some tea and watching the back door.

"Nancy, is everything alright?" Will asked.

"What?" she asked looking at him, "Oh sorry sir. I swear I have been hearing things lately. I swear I heard someone in the kitchen broke a plate just the other day, but it was just someone watching a movie and glass had broken in the movie."

"Do you think you'll need to get your hearing check?" Robert asked.

"Oh, no sir," she smiled. "I'm fine."

She finished pouring everyone some tea, "Is there anything else I can bring out or need?" she asked.

"Everything looks great Nancy, thank you," Leigh smiled.

Nancy nods and goes back inside quickly.

"Is she okay?" Kate asked.

"She's fine, we've all been jumpy lately," Leigh told her.

"Has anyone heard back from Ash or Harry?" Will asked.

"The court ended two days ago," Leigh spoke up. "She said her mom's in prison for fifteen years with no contact on her head for the rest of her life pretty much. Dad's not guilty, but he's not allowed to leave Ashland for five years. He's to stay and help run the theater."

"Good to hear that," Robert nods.

"She said all that was left was the paperwork on her share of the theater and she's done, but who knows how long that'll take," Leigh sighs.

They heard footsteps coming outside and looked to see three bodies in the doorway.

"Well, they were signed Thursday afternoon," Ash said beaming at them with Harry and Edward behind her.

"ASHLYN!" they shouted in shock as Kate walked over to hug Ash.

"I brought a special package back that I think belongs to all of you," Edward adds with a smile.

"Welcome home," Will said, standing up and going over to hug Harry.

"Thanks," he smiled as he hugged back.

"So, everything went well back home?" Robert asked.

"Yes," Ash said looking over at him, "Everything is done there, and I'm free, and I can stay here now," Ash smiled.

"What happened after the trail?" Kate asked.

"Well," she smiled, "We had a lunch date with dad after the paperwork was signed over to Mrs. Smith."

"Wait," Leigh said standing up and going over, "You and your dad talked? How did that go?"

Ash smiles, "It went great. Dad got to know the guys and asked Harry the questions that any father would ask, and..." she smiled looking at Harry.

Harry smiles and hugs her from behind, "I now have her dad's blessing."

"That's wonderful," the girls said.

"But, he can't come here right?" Will asked. "He can't walk you down the aisle."
Edward smiles, "That's where I come in. He's asked me to walk her down the aisle for him. He said that he and the crew will set up the theater for a large gathering with the crew and town to watch the wedding on their big screen there."

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