Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

July 8

The next morning, Ash woke up and looks around. She felt really sore, and slowly moved her arms and legs. As she looked around the room, she sees Harry laying down in a hospital chair with a blanket over him, and a pillow under his head, as she also saw Sean laying down in another hospital chair, also with a pillow and blanket. She smiled seeing that they got the two chairs in the room, and felt warm knowing they promised to stay with her.

She looks back at Harry and sees that he was awake watching her. "Hi," she whispered.

"Hi," he whispered back as he gets the chair back up into the sitting position, stands up before putting the blanket on the chair, then he walks over, takes her left hand, and kisses her softly. "Good morning."

"Good morning," she smiled.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm a little sore," she moaned.

"They eased you off the meds, but if you're still in a lot of pain, I could ask them to get you something?"

"Something that wouldn't make me sleepy would be nice," she sighed. "I really just want to go home."

"I know," he kisses her again. "I would take you home right now, but the doctor has to see you before you can head back to Leigh's."

She nods, "I'm not a fan of hospitals."

"I know, Sean told us last night."

Ash yawns while making a face, "What time is it?"

He looks at his watch, "It's 9:37am."

Ash nods, "Okay."

"Why did you ask?

"Just wondered," she smiled.

He smiles in return and kisses her again. "I'll be right back with the meds or the doctor."

"Okay," she smiled.

Harry left the room.


Ten minutes later, Harry comes back with the doctor smiling.

"Good morning Ms. Wilson," he says. "How are you feeling?"

"Somewhat sore," she said trying to move.

"You will be sore for a few days, but I don't want you to stop moving. If you don't move, the stiffer you'll be."

Ash nods, "I understand."

"Great. So, I was waiting for the test results back from last night, and you don't have any broken bones, which is a good thing, no head, or neck damage from last night. I will give you some meds that you can take to ease the pain a little, and today, I would like you to try to get up and move around. Maybe by this evening, you can go home."

"Couldn't I just do that at home?" she asked. "My friend is going to be there, and she has staff that can help me out."

"I plan on being with her all day too," Harry added.

"I'm sorry, but I would really like to monitor you here, just in case any issues come up while you're walking around."

Ash sighed, "Fine."

"She hates hospitals," Harry told him.

"I was told from Lady Fellows last night," the doctor smiled, "So, give me a few minutes, and we'll get you some meds, and we'll get you up and moving around."

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