4. Lost

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"Sweetheart what time are your parents supposed to pick you up?" I asked the little girl as it was beginning to get dark.

The children had gotten out about an hour and half ago. I did not want to leave her alone because the teachers had left already and she would be by herself. They are quite irresponsible for leaving a child like this.

"Daddy aways comes to...to fwetch me eawly. I don't know whewe he is today." She answered softly and I realised that her voice was beginning to crack indicating she was about to cry.

"Oh no sweet baby please don't cry. Daddy will come get you soon. Do you at least know your daddy's phone number?" I asked after bringing her into my embrace for comfort.

She shook her head which made me sigh. How could parents be so careless to leave a little child like this?

"MAMA! What if we take Minnie home with us?" My son asked excitedly which caused the baby girl to move away from me and jump along with.

"YES PLEASE! Then Jaejae and I can have a sleepovew!" Minjae said as she come over to me and held my hand.

"Oh my love we can't do that. Minjae's parents will be worried about her if we just take her home without asking. So let's just wait for your parents to come get you." I said the last sentence to Minjae.

It seemed to burst both their little bubbles as they both became silent.


An hour passed and no one seemed to be coming to pick her up. Both kids started to become impatient the longer we waited.

"Mommy I'm hungwey." Jaehyun voice out and I heard his little stomach growl.

"Me too" Minjae whined and not long after I heard her stomach growl as well.

I sighed once more before telling them to get in the car. I know it's wrong to just take someone's child without their permission but her parents don't seem to be coming anytime soon so I had to go feed both of them.

I drove to a near by resturant and we all ate there. About twenty minutes later we were all done and I drove back to the kindergarten to see if anyone was there but still nothing.

I sighed once again before trying to call their teacher but no one responded.

After trying for the tenth time I just gave up and started driving home. I could see that both kids were tired and just needed some rest.

It was already seven-thirty when I got home and both babies had fallen asleep in the backseat.


I walked into the house extremely exhausted from work. The whole day I had been in meetings and I was only able to come home now at half past eight.

Now all I wanted to do was just relax at home with my beautiful baby who I am assuming was sleeping because of how quiet the house was.

I walked into my room and was shocked not to find Lena there. Assuming that she was finally going to sleep in her own room.

I took a quick shower and then went to check on my daughter. When I opened the door to her room another wave of shock ran though me as I did not see her anywhere.

I then looked around the whole room and bathroom still not finding her anywhere. My heart sank as I did not find her in the rest of the house. Not even Lena was here.

I then heard the front door close. Quickly rushing there I hoped that Lena had at least taken her with her and that they were just coming back home now.

But again to my disappointment my daughter was not with Lena. She locked at me happily and was about to hug me but I moved back.

"My love you finally hom-" I cut her off not caring about what she had to say.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" I yelled feeling like I was about to explode.

"Who?" She asked simply making my heart thrump in anger.

"WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?" I yelled again and this time a look of realisation washed on her face. She looked down with a look of guilt.

This had already given me enough to know that she had not done what I had asked of her earlier. I was beyond furious that I just grabbed my keys and started marching out of the house but she grabbed my wrist stopping me.

"J-Jungkook I-" She stopped when I jerked away from her grip and just left the house.

My heart was racing as I drove like a maniac to get to my daughter's kindergarten. It was already dark and I could not imagine what could have happened to my little baby while she was all alone.

"Please let her be safe..." I mumbled to myself feeling the tears already pooling up in my eyes.

When I arrived I immediately exited the car without even caring to close the door. It was hard to see so I switched on my phone's flashlight. It did not help much but I could see better now

"MINJAE!" I yelled out her name in hopes that she would hear and come to me but no in responded.

After thirty minutes of searching I concluded that she was not here. Someone must have taken her.

The thought alone broke me. A quiet whimper escaped my lips and then the rest of the sobs flowed out. I fell onto my knees and began to cry out.

My daughter is gone and I don't even know where to start looking for her.

After about ten minutes I collected myself and headed to the police station. I tried to file a missing person's report but they told me that I had to wait for twenty-four hours. That just infuriated me more.

"SHE IS TOO YOUNG . YOU CAN'T EXPECT ME TO WAIT FOR TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. WHAT IF SHE GETS HURT OR EVEN WORSE KILLED!" I yelled at him but that same stupid calm expression stayed on his face.

"Sir please calm down. I am just following procedures. We cannot send out a search team until we make sure that she is actually missing. She might of just went to a friend's house." He said lamely.

"WHERE THE FCK WOULD SHE GO? SHE IS FOUR YEARS OLD! SOMEONE MUST OF TAKEN HER... You know what Fck all of you I'll just go find my daughter myself." I said before walking out of there not forgetting to slam the door of the station.

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