25. Hate

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As soon as the meeting ended Y/N told her assistant to go wait for her in the car. She rushed up to Jungkook who was completely ignore her existence.

When it was only the two of them in the meeting room did grab his wrist and try to make him face her but he harshly yanked his arm away.

"Leave me the fxck alone!" He spat out harshly and tried to walk away but once again Y/N stopped him.

She did not let his words affect her because she knew how angry and devastated he was with the loss of his child.

"Jungkook I beg you to just hear me out this one time. I want you to properly hear my side before you pass any irreversible judgement." She pleaded with him but he was not have any of it.

In a swift motion he turned to her a harshly grabbed her chin making their eyes connect instantly. Y/N couldn't help but to shudder at the dark look she saw in his eyes. She instantly regretted the decision of trying to talk to him. But she felt greatful that there were people outside of that door because otherwise she couldn't imagine what he would have done to her if it was just the two of them.

"I want you to listen to me carefully. I don't fxcking care what you have to say to me because I will never believe you after what I saw with my own two eyes. What you did to Lena is unforgivable and I don't even know how you can even dare to call yourself a mother when you made another person lose their child. I wish I could kill you but I don't want to spend the rest of my life away from my daughter because of useless trash like you. If only I could stop this partnership I would because I never want to see your damned face again. I hate you a passion Lee Y/N and want you to remember that for the rest of your miserable life. I hope you rot in he'll for the pain that you have caused me and my wife. Just because you lost you child didn't mean that you had to make me l-lose mine." Jungkook spat out angrily once again with his voice cracking in the end but that did not mean that the words hit Y/N a any less hard.

She felt her world crashed at his last statement. Her heart hurt so badly at the words. Why did he have to bring her precious angel into this when he knew how much pain it caused her.

Jungkook just scoffed as he saw the tears build in her eyes. He removed his hand from her chin before moving back and walking out of the room.

Y/N on the other hand just stood there with the tears finally rolling down her cheeks. She couldn't believe that he thought that.

So he believed that just because she lost her baby she would make someone else lose theirs?

After a few minutes of just standing there she finally wiped her tears away. She didn't do anything wrong and wasn't going to stand here and take this horrible treatment.

"I don't need this. I deserve better than this." She said to herself before walking out of the room with her head held high.


"Mommy where we going?" The child asked.

"Somewhere far from here baby." She answered as she put their last bags in the car before turning to look at her child.

It was time for a new start. This place caused nothing but pain for her.


A few days had passed and Lena was finally being released from the hospital.

"Lena, are you alright?" Jungkook asked as he noticed how gloomy she was.

She was gloomy before today it was even worse.

"Nothing I'm just tired." She lied as she looked away from him.

She noticed that these days he was paying more attention to her but she couldn't help but to feel bad. Before she would be very happy with it but now she was in love with someone else and wanted to be with him.

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