27. Truth

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"Where is Y/N?" Lena asked as Jungkook dejectedly walked back into their room.

"She fxcking left." Was all he said as he sat on the chair near the door.

"Where to?" She asked and Jungkook couldn't stop himself as he shot her a hateful glare.

"I don't fxcking know. Stop with the the damn questions and start explaining before I force the fxcking truth out of you." He spat out and Lena shivered as she could practically feel the heat of his words.

Jungkook's intense stare made her want to chicken out but she knew she had to do this if she wanted her piece of mind intact.

"Explain to me why you killed our child." Jungkook said in a slightly calmer tone.

He knew thst his anger would not get him anywhere so he tried to stall despite the fact that his blood was boiling on the inside. He wished he would have also stayed calm for Y/N and maybe the she would have stayed.

"I-I didn't... mother did..." She paused and took a deep breathe to stop herself from crying.

Jungkook just stared at her not saying anything. He knew if he said anything it wouldn't be good for any of them.

"E-earlier that day when I got home she was so angry that she started b-beating me. I tried to stop her but she just wouldn't listen." Lena explained while a few tears slipped down her cheeks remembering how horrible that day was.

"Why... why was she so fxcking angry at you?" Jungkook asked swallowing down the rage that he felt.

All he wanted to do at the moment was to find Lena's mother and make her regret. He never liked the woman but now she took it to a whole other level.

Lena looked down as a lone tear rolled down her cheek. Her mind started to relive the things she had done. If only she had not agreed with her mother none of this would be happening.

"S-she found out I was cheating on you." Lena confessed which left Jungkook shook.

He looked at her in anger and was about to say something but immediately stopped himself as the thought of his own infidelity came to mind.

He had no right to call her out on something he had also done too. Lena seeing that he was not going to say anything continued.

"T-the... the baby... it wasn't y-yours... it belonged to the m-man I cheated on you with." She stuttered and Jungkook couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"YOU ARE FXCKING JOKING RIGHT?!" He yelled as he stood up from his chair which made her flinch a little at his outburst.

"N-no it's the truth." She whispered while he just looked at her with rage.

"So you are telling me that I mourned the loss of a baby that wasn't even MINE!" He exclaimed before pushing his hair out of his face so that he could look at her properly.

He could feel his hands shake from all the anger that he felt inside. Never in his life had he ever felt this furious. Just looking at her made him sick but he knew he had to find out the whole truth.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THIS TO M- NO... NO... WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO Y/N! SHE HAS NEVER FXCKING DONE ANYTHING TO YOU?!" He yelled as he remembered the pain that was always displayed on his business partner's face.

"B-because she slept with you..." Lena said barely above a whisper but Jungkook managed to catch it which shocked him.

How had she found out about the night that he and Y/N had spent together when not even his friends, the people who where in the house knew about it.


"Y-Y/N, it was her you slept with all those years ago..." She finally admitted what she had been keeping for all these years.

As the words hit Jungkook's ears he could not believe it. It was as if his brain was beginning to mulfuction the more Lena talk.

"W-what... what are you s-saying?" He stuttered as he slowly sat down not even taking his eyes off of her.

He had a vague memory of the night. He couldn't even put a face the woman he had slept with that night until Lena came and told him that she was having a baby.

"T-that night you slept with Y/N not me. She is the one who had your child... children not me." Lena confessed and Jungkook still couldn't seem to comprehend what she was saying.

"Lena what the hell are you saying? M-my children... Jaehyun... the baby..." Jungkook whispered as the information was beginning process in his brain.

Lena didn't say anything more as she waited for the information to process in his brain. As she watched him she could see how hard it was for him to understand any of this as he mumbled to himself.

"W-what about my Minjae? I-I...I had a DNA test done and it said she was mine... don't tell me my baby is another man's..." He asked as he began to cry.

This was all too much... way to much for to handle and stay sane. If Y/N's children was his that meant that he had also lost a precious angel that he never even got the chance to meet. His precious baby never got to enjoy the world.

And what sent him over the edge was the thought that Minjae was not his. He had watched that little girl grow into the beautiful princess that she is right now and the though that the blood that ran through her veins was not his just made him want to go crazy. He could never imagine a life without his little sweetheart.

"S-she is yours... and Y-Y/N's. Mother took her from the hospital and swapped her with my baby who did not make it. T-the baby Y/N mourns over is mine not hers. Her baby is alive and healthy. H-her baby is M-Minjae." Lena confessed msking Jungkook feel like his brain had finally been broken.

He could not believe what he had just heard. When he woke up this morning he would never have guessed that he would find out something like.

How could someone be so evil to do that to someone else? A mother had been grieving over a child that wasn't even hers. Her child was alive and healthy but had been taken away from her arms. How could some on even think to do that?

Jungkook sat there for a couple of minutes just trying to process everything thst he had heard. Nothing could have ever prepared him for this moment. He felt like he had been living a lie. His life felt like a lie.

"W-why? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?! WERE OUR LIVES A GAME TO YOU?! HOW CAN YOU B-be so evil?" He asked as he finally let out the painful sobs that he had been holding in.

He felt like his heart had just been ripped apart. Lena couldn't help but to cry as well as she listened to his heart breaking cries. Never in her life had she seen Jungkook cry so much. The guilt inside her was indescribable. She and her mother had torn up a family for money. They played with their lives as if they were toys that they could control and had no feelings.

"WHY ARE YOU CRYING?! WHY ARE YOU FCVKING CRYING?! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!" Jungkook yelled when he noticed her tears.

He felt so nauseous to be in the same room as her. If he could kill her without any consequences he would but now he had to think about his child-children.

"You and your mother are so sick. How can you play with people's lives like this? Because of you my son had to grow up without a father and now he probably hates me. And you stole my daughter away from her mother. You couldn't even treat her right. How could you do this and not feel any shame?! YOU ARE DISGUSTING! YOU AND YOUR MOTHER ARE WORTHLESS!" Jungkook yelled and the words hit Lena hard.

Different memories were popping into his head but the one that stuck out was the one were Y/N was crying at the grave of the child that she thought was hers. She had suffered so much and it was all for nothing. Her child had been stolen from her and deprived of a mother's love.

Poor Minjae could have grown up with a loving mother and brother but little girl only recieved pain from her kidnapper.

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