14. Call

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"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked lowly which made shivers run down my spin.

"I-I am not avoiding you..." I stuttered as I looked everywhere but him.

"Thats a loud of carp and you know it." He said as he slammed his hand onto the wall next to my head.

I couldn't help but to flinch at the loud noise. I tried with all my might not to look into his eyes but he grabbed my chin with his other hand forcing our eyes to meet.

"I'm not avoiding you Jungkook... I-I've just been busy." I said while mentally cursing myself for stuttering.

"I'm going to ask you one more time. Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked again and i could literally see his eyes gloss over into a darker colour.

"I-I... y-your wife came to see me." I answered seeing that there was no point in me lying to him anymore.

"What?" His eyes widened in shock as he took as step back from me.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

"Yeah. The day you brought Minjae for the play date with Jaehyun. She came after the two of you left." I explained and I could see the anger begin to build up in his eyes.

"What did she want?" He asked and again I shivered at how dangerously low his voice had just gotten.

"Ah... well... She assumed that we were s-sleeping together and she told me to stay away from me." I answered and couldn't help but blush at my own words.

Jungkook on the other hand seemed furious as he mumbled incoherent word which were most likely curses.

"Don't listen to here. We know that we are just friends and did nothing wrong. I promise I'll get it sorted out with her and she will never bother you again." He replied and I simply just nodded as I tried to process his words.

I couldn't help but wonder why I felt my heart burn when he said that we were just friends. The words shouldn't have bothered me since they were true.

"So you will stop avoiding me, yeah?" He asked with one of his charming smiles.

His mood had really done a three-sixty. I simply nodded again as I did not trust my own voice at this moment and the fact that my cheeks were heating up was not helping very much.


I was furious when I got home.

"Ah, Jungkook my son you are back home." Lena's mother said as I walked into the house but I ignored her as I munched upstairs to find her daughter.

I slammed the door of the bedroom open which startled Lena who was scrolling through phone.

"My love what's wr-" she started but I immediately cut her off.

"Why did you go to Y/N's house and tell her to stay away from me?" I asked in an angered tone.

"Ah so she told you... that little skank " She paused as she place her phone down before standing up to walk up to me.

"You want to know why I told her that, because you are my husband and she has no right to go around sleeping with married men. She is wrecking our family." She continued as folded her arms and glared at me.

"Lena we are not sleeping together and she is not wrecking this family because the was never a family to begin with. She is just my business partner." I told her as my patience began to wear thin.

"Business partner... oh please Jungkook come up with a better lie. In all the years that we have been married you have never been close to you business partners or even stepped foot in their houses. What so special about her?" She asked.

"Well Lena if you actually cared about anyone other than yourself then you would realise that she is the mother of your daughter's best friend." I responded punching the bridge of my nose before looking at her again.

"Yeah our daughter's best friend not yours. So explain to me why you have to get close to her?" She asked now uncrossing her arms.

"Because she is my friend Lena. 'Friend'. Nothing more nothing less... now I'm the one warning you to stay away from her. I don't need you interfering in my life more than you already have. Stop making problems were there not supposed to be any." I said lastly before walking out of the room without waiting for her response.


"Your plan failed mother." Lena said as soon as she got to her mother's bedroom.

"Don't worry honey, you know that your mommy always has a backup plan. That Y/N won't be in your way anymore. That was just to see if she would stay away from your husband but since she is not budging I will have to take matters into my own hands." Her mother said darkly before pulling out her phone.

Lena felt shivers run down her spine as she saw the evil look that took over her mother's face. She couldn't help but to be afraid of what he mother would do next.

"W-who are you calling?" Lena asked as she continued to watch her mother's actions.

"The solution to our problem." Seoyeon responded shortly before talking to the person on the other end of the phone.

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