17. Baby

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A few weeks passed since that day and Lena couldn't help but to still be haunted by her husband's words whenever she was around him.

Jungkook on the other hand regretted what happened that night since he could only remember himself kissing her. In his mind they had done the deed since he found himself naked on the bed with her next to him the following morning.

He felt so guilty and what made it worse that he felt like he had cheated on Y/N. It was wrong but he couldn't help it.

"Jungkook can we please talk?" Lena asked as she sat beside him on the couch.

He just hummed in response while his eyes were still focused on the tv.

"I'm pregnant." She announced and not even a second later his head had snapped in her direction.

His eyes were bulging as he continued to stair at her in shock.

"What?" He asked hoping that he had heard her wrong.

"I said I'm pregnant ." She said and for the second time today his stomach dropped.

"But that's not possible Lena! Are you sure? We never even talked about having more kids then Minjae..." He said still trying to process the news.

"Yes I am Jungkook and I want to keep the baby." She said as she saw the uneasy look in his eyes.

"Y-you want to keep it?" He asked not intending to sound disappointed but he did.

"Yes, d-don't you?" She asked as tears welded up in her eyes making Jungkook feel guilty.

"No...I-I mean yes... yes. I want to keep it. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you think otherwise. I'm just a little shocked by the news and trying to process everything. Just give me a bit of time to get over the initial shock." He said as he ruffled his hair.

"But you are not mad right?" She asked with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah I'm not mad." He passed her a hesitent smile while standing up.

"I'm just gonna go lay down for a bit. It will help me to think straight." He said and she nodded before he could walk away.

"Hey Jungkook." She called as he was about to walk up the stairs.

"Yeah Lena?" He answered stopping at the first step.

"I want us to try and work out our relationship for the new baby. I want us to be a better family and i also want to be a better mother for Minjae. I hope you feel the same." Lena announced which caught him off guard.

He just wordlessly nodded before heading up stairs. He really had nothing to say. The news Lena gave him left him absolutely speechless.


"You wanted to talk to me." Y/N said as she grabbed a seat next to him.

"Yeah." Jungkook plainly said as he stared st the food infront of him.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" Y/N asked feeling slightly awkward about his behaviour. He seemed to be lost in his own world for a moment.

"Lena is pregnant." Jungkook announced before look up at Y/N to see her reaction.

Shock would be an understatement to what she felt. There was also a slight pang of hurt in her heart when she heard the news.

How was Lena pregnant when Jungkook had told her that he and his wife didn't have a normal couple's relationship.

"Oh." Was all she said before she managed to catch herself.

"W-why...why Are you telling me this?" She asked as she swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat.

Jungkook also did not understand why he needed to tell her this.

"I-I don't know... I just figured you deserved to know." He responded and looked down for a split second.

"Why would I? I am just your business partner Jungkook and I am pretty sure that your wife won't be happy learning that I know." She said as she looked down.

"No she won't Y/N." Jungkook replied and that left them in an awkward silence for a few seconds.

Both of them were trying to figure out what to do next.

"I don't think we should hang out anymore!" Y/N suddenly blurted out which made Jungkook look at her like she had just gone crazy.

"No... why would we do that? I promise you that Lena won't be mad." He said as he felt his heart break at her sudden words.

"You might be right but I still would feel bad because I know how much she doesn't like me. If we were to hand out it could lead her to stressing and that would be bad for the baby Jungkook. I would never f or give myself for being the cause of someone losing their child. Just think about your child Jungkook." Y/N answered and stood up which led to Jungkook standing up as well.

"But Lena knows that we are just friends Y/N. She will be just fine." He said tried to grab her wrist but she quickly moved it away.

"No Jungkook. I know the pain of losing a child and would never want that for anyone else. Just focus on Lena. She will be very happy when she sees that you are no longer hanging out with me. Do this for your child." She said lastly before walking out of the cafe.

Jungkook just stood there not knowing what to do.

Not my finest work but oh well it's an update. Next chapter will be better. Hope you enjoy.


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