7. Friends?

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After picking up Jaehyun we went for ice cream like I promised. If I didn't do it then I would have a sad baby for the rest of the day and I did not want that.

"What ice cream do you want sweetheart?" I asked as we walked into the ice cream parlour.

He stopped for a moment looking as if he were in deep thought before yelling Chocolate. My cheeks reddened as everyone in the place turned to look at us. I gave a quick now before rushing to place in our orders.

When I was done I found us a little table in the corner to sit and wait for our ice cream. As we were waiting I heard the bell ring indicating that someone had just came in but I did not bother to look as I was focusing on my baby.

Jaehyun on the other hand got easily distracted so I knew he was going to look and just like I guessed he did. It made me chuckle a bit. He then let out some excited giggles before hoping off the chair and running toward the door.

I was taken off guard but then panicked as he ran off without me.

"Jaehyun sto-" I yelled but I cut my words off as I saw him hugging a little girl. When I got a proper look I realised that it was Minjae.

I walked toward them as they broke the hug. When Minjae saw me she immediately came to hugging legs and I responded by hugging her as well. As I looked up I saw Mr Jeon with a huge smile plastered on his face which kind of creeped me out a bit.

"Mr Jeon..." I called out which seemed to break him from his trance.

"Ms Lee..." He said with a soft voice.

"Mr Jeon I would really like to apologize fo-" I began but my words were cut of by a voice announcing that my order was ready.

I quickly excused Jae and myself from the two to go get it. We then waited for the two as they went to get their order as well.

"As i was saying Mr Jeon. I would really like to apologize for what I said to you this morning. It was not my place to question your fatherly skills and I am really sorry. I hope you can forgive me for behaving so immaturely." I finished before bowing but he stopped me mid bow which made me look at him in confusion.

"Please don't apologize, I am the one who should be saying sorry because of my rude outburst. I should have been more appreciative since you took care of my daughter without any hesitation. Thank you so much for making that she was safe." He said and before I could even respond i was pulled into a warm yet familiar embrace.

My body instinctively froze as I let him continue to hold me. I could not understand why his touch felt so familiar to me. Why did it feel so right? Just as I was about to hug him back I heard tiny giggles coming from behind me which made us pull back.

"I-I'm sorry..." he said and at this point his face could have been mistaken for a tomato.

"I-It's okay." I replied while looking in every others direction but his eyes.

I then quickly turned around and found Minjae giggling beside a frowning Jaehyun. His expression made me worry and I immediately knelt down infront of him.

"Aw,  My sweetheart what is wrong?" I asked while caressing his cheek but I did not get a response back instead he just hugged me and buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"Daddy Jaehyunnie sad." Minjae said to her father behind us and I could practically hear her pout. Mr Jeon didnt respond but just came a bit closer to us.

"Hey there buddy, what's wrong?" He asked and placed his hand on Jae's back which he did mnot take so well.

My baby basically shrank into my arms as he tried to move away from Mr Jeon. Through this action I now understood what was happening to him. He was still scared of Mr Jeon because of the event that happened this morning. I then picked him up and started patting his back gently.

"My baby there is no need to be scared of Mr Jeon. He is nice. See he even apologized to mommy so you don't need to be afraid." I whispered to him but my words seemed to have no effect on him.

"Come on my love. Be a brave boy for mommy, yeah?" Yet again no effect though he seemed to shake his head a bit. Mr Jeon really did traumatiz my son.

"Go home..." I heard him whisper before snuggling more into my neck.I let out a sigh before turning to the father-daughter duo.

"I'm sorry about his behaviour. He is just tired so we got to head home now. Bye." I said before heading out of the parlour.

"BYE JAEHUNNIE!" Was the last thing I heard before closing the door.

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