5. Jeon

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The sun began to rise and I had still not gotten a wink of sleep. The whole night I had been driving around trying to find my baby.

I had hoped that I would find her somewhere on the streets but she was still nowhere to be found.

My heart kept becoming heavier at every minute that passed without having my daughter with me. The thought of never seeing her again kept lingering in my head and it just broke me.

A few more hours passed and I still had not found her anywhere. As a last alternative I went back to her kindergarten hoping she would be there.

I looked at myself in the mirror before getting out. I looked horrible. My eyes were red from crying and my hair was also a huge mess along with my clothes.

I could feel people staring at me but at this point I could careless about what they thought of me.

In the distance I saw a little girl with a woman and I a boy. She resembled my baby and for a moment I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me until I realised it was her and broke into a sprint toward her.

It took all of them by surprise as I scooped my baby into my arms. She squeaked in surprise but soon calmed down as she realised it was me.

I could not help but cry into her neck out of relief.

"M-my princess... I-I missed you so much. I-I thought I would never see you again." I held her closely not wanting to let her go ever again.

When I pulled back from the hug I could see tears also rolling down her little cheeks.

"I missed you too daddy." She said then buried her face into my neck.

"Mr Jeon?"


The whole night I could not sleep as I thought about the little girl who was now sharing a bed with my son.

I did not know what was wrong with me but I felt some sort of connection with her. It felt like it was not the first time that I met her but it was confusing for me because I never actually met her.

I stayed up thinking about her.

When the next morning came I was still dead tired but I had to get the children to school and myself to work. And hopefully then the little girl's parents would have come for her.

But then again I felt a feeling of longing as I thought about her leaving me. It was the same feeling I would get everytime I would think about losing my Jaehyun.

I just did not understand why I was feeling this way especially about a child I just met.

Snapping myself out of my thought I began getting ready and went to wake up the sleeping angels. They looked so adorable cuddled against each other that I just had to take a picture of them.

"Jae honey, it's time to wake up. You too Minjae." I shook them slight but got no response until five minutes later.

I managed to wake Jaehyun up but Minjae was still sleeping like a rock. While Jae went to the bathroom I continued trying to wake his best friend up.

"Minjae...sweetheart you need to get up now. It's almost time for school." I shook her again but she slapped my hand away.

"Nwo...mommy Minnie want to sweep. Me sweep" She muttered sleepily not knowing what she had just done to me by calling me that. Shock took over my system.

I felt tears pool in my eyes as I thought about my daughter. It hurt knowing I would never hear her call me that but it also felt nice to hear Minjae call me that.

As if she sensed my distress she got up and looked at me with her big beautiful doe eyes. It kind of threw me off guard at how her eyes resembled my baby boy's.

I was soon broken out of my thoughts when I felt her hand caress my cheek.

"Awe you okay?" She asked and I just nodded not really understanding what was happening to me when I looked at her. It was as if her eyes brought me into a trance.

"MAMA, BATH TIME!" My senses were brought back completely by my baby.

I silently pick Minjae up and headed to the bathroom to get them both ready.

After getting them ready we had breakfast and left. I had to dress Minjae in Jaehyun's clothes since her clothes from the day before were dirty.

"Mama, can Minjae stway again?" Jae asked and I quickly glanced at him through the mirror.

"No baby. I don't think her parents will allow that. They will definitely come pick her up today." I reasoned with hi and he sighed sadly before nodding his head in understanding.

"I mwiss daddy." Minjae said randomly with a sad time.

"I know you do baby and you will see him very soon." I said before we all fell into a peaceful silence.

After about a ten minute drive we finally arrived at their kindergarten. They both seemed excited to get here.

I got out of the car and helped them both out. Hopefully I would finally see who Minjae's parents are because they are very irresponsible.

The babies and I began walking to the gate as they chatted away. It made me smile at how serious they seemed to be while talking. But the smile quickly dropped when a man appeared out of nowhere and scooped Minjae in his arms.

When I can back to my senses I went to pull her away from him but my shock stopped me. Even though I did not know him that well I was still stunned to see him standing here and even more by the words that he whispered ever so loudly to the girl in his arms.

"Mr Jeon?"

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