16. Love

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A few days after that incident past and Jungkook had become very over protective with Y/N which led to him spending a lot of time with her. They had gone to the police with the matter but the case didn't go anywhere as the car had no licence plate numbers.

Jungkook was not very happy that the case was dropped but there was nothing that he could do about it.

On the other hand Seoyeo was still very unhappy with the result of what had happened but she didn't dwell on it for too look as she had come up with a new plan. The devious woman was very sure that this time it woul work in their favour.


"Are you sure this will work?" Lena looked down at the little bottle hesitantly before looking back up at her mother.

"Of course darling. Do you not trust your mother?" Seoyeon asked as a wicked smile played on her lips.


Lena though of saying but she new it would be her end she disagreed with her mother.

"Of course I do trust you mother." She answered in a low voice.

"Okay now hurry up a poor it in there. Jungkook will be here any minute. After this there will be no way that he is going to leave you. We will be set for life." Her mother grinned before walking away toward her bedroom.

Lena looked down at the bottle before pouring its contents into the wine. She was still very hesitant but there was not much that she could do.

Just as she disposed of the bottle the front door opened revealing her husband. She quickly ran to the living Room so that she could catch him before he went to his room.

"Jungkook darling you are back home." She said and seductively walked toward him.

Along with the outfit that she was wearing it would have worked on any man but no him as he his heart now belong to another.

"Oh Lena... hey." He greeted and quickly dogged the kiss that she was leaning in for.

"My love let's have dinner. I got the chef to make us something special." She purred into his ear before biting it gently.

Jungkook flinched a bit as he was shocked by her actions.

"No. I can't Lena. I need to have a quick shower and then go pick up Minjae who is at Y/N's house for a play date." He explained and tried to push her off but she clung onto him like a leech.

"Let her stay there for the night. Jungkook I would like to have dinner with you please. I feel like I haven't seen you in so long." She pleaded with him.

"No Lena." He said but immediately felt guilty when he saw the discouraged look on her face.

Though he was not a very bug fan of Lena he felt bad for treating her this way. So his kind heart go in the way.

"Okay. But let me first call Y/N to ask her if its alright with her that Minni can stay the night at her home." He said before pulling out his phone while Lena immediately grinned as she heard the words.

She then left the living to go sit in the dinning room to wait fer her husband to finish the call. After a few minutes Jungkook came into the dinning room where he took a seat across from his wife.

Lena couldn't help but drool slightly at the sight of him. His blazer was discarded, tie undone and hair messy from rifling it so much.

"She said that its fine." He informed her before digging into the food.

"What?" He asked her as he noticed her staying at him not it her own food.

She simply shrugged before diving into her own food but soon stopped she saw him gulp down all the wine in his glass before moving back to his own food.

A few minutes went by and Jungkook started to feel really hot. He began fanning himself with one hand while the other removed his tie completely and unbuttoned some of the buttons on his shirt.

"Are you alright my love?" Lena asked pretending to be worried.

"Yeah just hot... I think I'm gonna head to bed his said before standing up and walking away.

Lena caught a glimpse of him removing his shirt completely and she couldn't help but to feel a little hot and bothered herself at the sight she saw.

She waited a couple of minutes before also heading upstairs to her room where she found her husband half naked on the bed. She bit her lip as she slowly removed her robe before crawling onto the bed.

She moved herself onto Jungkook before crushing her lips into his. Jungkook who was barely conscious kissed her back with less passion. The kiss turned into a whole make out session before he began to tug on her nightie.

Lena compelled as she sat up straight and pulled off the nighty leaving the man with hooded eyes to stare at her hungrily.

Jungkook pulled her down for another kiss before moving downwards to kiss and bite her neck. Lena felt like she was in heaven as she dreamt about this moment for a very long time.

"So...beautiful...Y/N..." Jungkook said between the kisses while Lena just froze at the words that she had just heard.

It felt like she was not pulled from her cloud nine. She couldn't help but to pull away from him with teary eyes. She quickly stood up before climbing back into her nighty.

She stared at her husband hoping that he would call her back using the right name but as she looked at him she only noticed how the drug had taken its effect and put him to sleep.

She couldn't help but cry as the words repeated in her head.

'Its always her.' She thought before leaving the room.

Just an extra for being late with updates...😉


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