19. Santiago

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On the other side of town a woman walked into the bar. She was pissed off and didn't want to be anywhere else but here. This was the only place thst would allow her to forget about the problems in her life.

"Give me the strongest thing you've got." She said to the bartender as she sat down.

"Bad day?" A voice asked and when she looked up she saw a black haired man sitting beside her her.

She felt her heart do some kind of weird thing but she decided go just ignore it as her drink was placed infront of her.

"Yeah, a very bad one." She responded before gulping down all the contents in her glass.

"Another please." She asked the bartender before turning to face the man completely.

"What about you?" She asked the man and couldn't help but to notice how handsome he actually was.

He had the fullest head of black hair she'd ever seen and these beautiful emerald green eyes. His skin was beautifully tanned which complemented his eyes perfectly.

"You could say that. You want to talk about it?" He asked and only now did she notice his accent.

She felt like she should have said no but those great eyes staring at her made her feel compelled to tell him all her life problems. She just nodded her head before sighing.

"I just got into an argument earlier about my husband." She said before taking a small sip of her new drink.

"You are married?" He asked with a bit of disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah but it was arranged. There is no love especially from my husband." She answered before looking at him again.

"He doesn't treat you good?" The man asked and the woman just shook her head.

"It's not that. We just don't communicate." She answered.

"Well I would treat you like a queen if you were my wife." He said which caught her off guard.

A blush spread over her cheeks which made him chuckle at her reaction.

"You are very beautiful you know that." He bluntly said which made her face even redder then before.


Hours upon hours went by as the two drank and got to know one another. A little flirting was thrown in there as well.

"I-I should get going." She slurred and even though she didn't want she knew she had to.

"Do you really have go?" The man asked as he stood up as well.

"Yes." was all she said as she then tried to pay her bill but was stopped by the man who did it before her.

"May I take the beautiful lady home then?" He asked and again another blush covered her cheeks.

"You know you cannot drive after drinking right?" She asked as she smile at him.

"I know but maybe we could take the same taxi." He said before coming to a stop as they got to his car.

"I guess."

"I really want to kiss you right now." He said out of nowhere which caught her off guard.

"I don't even know your name!" She exclaimed as she punched his arm slightly.

"Santiago Santacruise, pleased to meet you pretty lady and what is your name?" He asked as if they were just meeting.

"Jeon Lena." She replied.

"Well now that you know my name may I please kiss you?" He asked again.

Lena just stared at him weighing out her options. On one hand she was married and would be cheating on her husband but on the other hand her husband wouldn't really care, would he? It not as if he loved her.

"You may kiss me." She said and he did not take a second longer as he crashed his lips into her.

And that was how Lena woke up in a stranger's bed the next morning.


On the other side Y/N slowly stired as she felt a warmth that she was not familiar with. Her brows knitted as she felt a body close to hers. Not a second laftear her eyes snapped open as she was met with the face of the man thst she had been avoiding.

Her heart began pounding as the memories of the previous night began flooding her head. She could not believe that she had done such a thing. She helped him to cheat on his wife.

"Oh no... no no no no no." She mumbled before harshly pulling her naked body away from the man.

Her movements resulted in than waking up as well. His eyes immediately widened as he saw her face as well.

"Y/N... w-what... what are you doing he-" he cut himself off as his memories came back too.

"Fxck." He groaned before falling back on the bed.

His hand rubbed his face in frustration.

He also could not believe that he had cheated on Lena. He might have not loved her but she did not deserve to be cheated on.

"Y/N..." He called as he sat up again and looked at the woman who was hastily putting her clothes back on.

"This was a mistake. Don't ever bring it up again." Was all she said before walking out of the room and leaving Jung Kook to his misery.

Tears began rolling down her cheeks as she stared at the two pink lines that appeared on the white stick. She did not expected this to be a result of that night.

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