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//Hey guys,
Here is Part 2 of Riya's story. I hope you can enjoy it. Please let me know how is this. I seriously have no idea what am I doing. Please help me.//


"I KILLED HER." she mumbled.

Everyone was shocked and had questions like 'what', 'who', 'no way', 'sorry what' but they didn't asked out loud, they knew she needed time.

"Her name was Sifa, Arisifa Khan. I was in the sixth grade when she transferred school. We became friends in the eighth grade and soon became best friends. She was there for me whenever I had a problem, she was there when I will rant about my parents. Mr. Khan isn't my biological father. My parents always resented me. They hated me. They didn't allow me to go to anywhere except school.

But I will always sneak out to Sifa's house. Khan Uncle was always welcoming and treated me like his own. When we were in 10th grade she came out to me, she told me she likes me more than a friend should. I didn't knew what to do, my parents were typical homophobic and they will kill me if they found out." She hesitated for a moment before continuing.

"So without thinking I did the only thing that came to my mind, ignoring her. I didn't know what to do. I didn't really mean it. Even though it was killing me I didn't knew it was killing her more." She chocked a sob out.

"After a month, khan Uncle called me and told me to hurry up there. I did. I ignored my parents protest and ran there . Only to see Sifa hanging from the ceiling. She died, she committed suicide. Because of me. Only if I told her that I like her too, only of I didn't avoided her, only if...." She was a sobbing mess by now, her eyes were red and puffy, saliva was dripping from the corner of her mouth mixed with tears.

"There was a note on her table, it read 'I QUIT'. I couldn't breathe and passed out and woke up hours later and couldn't stop crying. I felt guilty. She died because of me. I was the reason she died. I am.

After her funeral khan Uncle gave a golden chest and said it has all of Sifa's journals. Sifa always liked writing journal, she had like 20 of them. However, the chest needed a 4-letter word as a password to open. I took the chest home and after thinking a lot, I had guess about it so I typed SIYA, our names together. And, yes, it did it. It was the password. I began to read the journals. And it was all about me, all the 20. My likes, my dislikes, what she likes in me, what she dislikes in me, how it pains her when I cry, how she likes it when I lean on her, how much she loves me....

I just couldn't stop my sobs chanting I love you too over and over. I didn't noticed someone opened the door until they came in and slapped me,

"You are a fag too, get out of my house right now."

And I just did that, it was my mom. I left that place only with that chest, I didn't need anything from them. I already lost everything I had. I have nothing to lost. I wandered the street crying until night came and it started raining. I sat under a tree for shelter hugging the chest.

A car slowed down near me and Khan Uncle came out refusing his guard who held up the umbrella for him. He knelt in front of me and grabbed my chin making me look at him.

"Come on let's go home."

"I don't have one to go" I replied.

"Yes, you have. Now come, Sifa will haunt me down if I left you like this."

Hearing her name made me cry even more.

"I am so sorry. I killed her. I shouldn't have avoided her.
I ...I am sorry. Khan uncle. I really am, please forgive me. Please don't hate me. Please please please...." I begged

"Okay. Okay. I can forgive you on one condition."

"I will do anything, just please don't hate me."

"Come home with me."


"I know why you are not in your home. Do you really think I will leave you on your own after that everything happened. I always knew she liked you and I am not blaming you...
I just didn't think, she will..."He sighed and hugged me. I hugged him back.

Then after that, he took me home and gave me more than anything I wanted and needed. After several attempts of suicide and several sessions with physiatrist, I realized have to live, atleast for her.
After months I officially became Riya Khan.
After I finished 12th grade Khan Uncle asked me first time for thing and it was to marry you Lucas, that's why I couldn't refuse him, for me it's payback time." she said looking at Lucas.

"Every year on this day, we visit to her grave together and I spent time with her.

But this year I forgot, how could I??.

I am world's most horrible person...." She chocked out. There were several thoughts inher mind like,

I want her, no! I need her. I want her back. I need her back.

I can't live without her.

I love her.

I love Sifa...

//  Hey salty cherries, please let me know how is this.
I bet you didn't expected this twist.
What is your opinion on Mr. Khan and Arisifa.
Do you think Riya will meet her real parents again?
(by the way, a little birdie told me we are going India for next chapter, hope you are excited.)

What do you think?
Stay safe. 
Luv you all <3      //

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