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//Hello my salty cherries. I am sorry, I am so sorry. I took me this long to update. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Again I am sorry, cause Its kinda a filler chapter and its short too...
But * spoilers * you are going to meet a new character who will play a important role in later chapters, not now though, cause Lucas has enough in his plate...

stay safe...
Love you all...// 


I was sleeping peacefully, it was 5:30 in the morning when my phone started ringing waking me up, I answered it without looking at caller ID and groaned, still in dreamland.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" a voice boomed. Shit!
"I am so sorry, I forgot. I will be there as soon as possible" I replied.
"You better be" the voice replied. With that the line went dead.

I heard Kyle groan beside me, "Go back to sleep baby, I will be back." I whispered to him. I changed out of my PJ's and took my keys, well Kyle's.

By the time I made it to the airport, I am sure she is mad. I started to walk towards the entrance, where I saw a girl, wearing a baby blue hoodie, and she was wearing sun glasses too. I went near thinking about our first time and decided to play a little with her.

"Hey! Umm... Riya?" I asked with a playful smile.
"Umm Yeah! I am and..." She replied with a smirk.
"Oh! Hi I am Lucas, I am here to pick you up." I said with a wink.
"So you are Lucas. Nice to meet you" she extended her hand. I took and kissed it.
"Are you ready to go?" I asked.
"Wait I have an extra package with me this time." She said grinning.

"Hey I am sorry I took me lon-
Who is this, is he our driver?" A guy came out of nowhere and asked.
"Yeah he is" She answered giggling and winking at me.
"Hey there, I am Lucas." I said slightly annoyed, but decided to play along.
"Hi, I am Alex, Alexander." He said with a smile.
"Lucas I hope you don't mind this extra package for two days to be exact." She said giving me her famous puppy dog eyes.
"Hey, why are you asking a driver with this... kinda look?" he asked with raised eyebrow.
Oh how I wanna kill him already. I blankly stared at Riya and replied,
"He is right, I am not the one you should ask mam." I said clearly mad.

It is true anyways, she needs to ask Albert, cause he will be staying in his house, not mine. I turned towards, Alex the Alexander and
"Lets leave, shall we."
I didn't wait for their reply and started walking towards the car.
"He is rude." I heard him comment to Riya, who remained silent. What happened to her?

I lead them towards the car. We got in. She sat in the passenger seat; I started to pull out from driveway. There was awkward silence until she broke it.

"So?" she asked me.
"So??" I replied her, irritated.
"So, are you mad?" she asked.
"Why? Are you really planning to make me, if I am not?" I asked turning towards her.
"No! I mean, I am sorry..." she said barely above a whisper.
"What? I can't hear you." I asked her.
"I am sorry, Mr. Lucas. Please forgive me." She said loud and clear this time.
" Why are you apologizing to him?" The crack head asked.
"Will you shut up and not make me regret bringing you here with me." She snapped at him.
"So, who is this?" I asked.
"He is one of best friends." She replied.
The crack head's expression turned sour at this. But our drama queen was too busy blabbing, she didn't notice it. She continued on and on about, how he was her best friend aside Sifa and blah blah...
I am kinda happy that she is talking more about Sifa and not closing off.
"So how was your stay there?" I asked.
"Good, but missed you guys though, I am glad that I am bac-
Hey why are you taking this turn, where are we going. Kyle's apartment is not in this way too. Then... Albert, Yeah. Why are we going there? Are you guys having a sleepover without me?" She asked with a pout.

"You will know", I told her signally towards the crack head, hoping she understood. She nodded and turned towards the window.

I sighed. Only god knows what awaits.

// So what do you think about Alex the Alexander? share your thoughts....//

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