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who cried watching this song????

// Hey, my salty cherries. Your girl is back.

How are you all ? I am soo sorry, for not updating. I had exams and the schools are reopening on September 1. So I have to complete all my incomplete works. Like why they even have to open? can't they close it forever? Think guys, I have to write Class work note, Home work note, Notes note and Test note plus Complete my Assignments. And I have to do this for 6 subjects guys. How can I do this. But I can't tell them to fuck off, because its my last year in school and I need good credits to join a good collage...
I just hope that school doesn't reopen.
Please pray for it guys....

Stay safe....
Love you guys...


It's been 2 days since we arrived and we are going back tomorrow morning. Riya is staying here for until weekend.

It's 5:49 in the evening. Lucas said he has something important to say to everyone, so he asked everyone to gather in the living room at 6. And I have no idea what it is about.

I slowly made my ways to the living room. Everyone was already there, except Lucas himself. I sat near a sad looking Riya, she has been like that for the past two days. I gave her a small smile, which she returned, but it didn't reach her eyes .

Out of the Conner if my eyes I saw Lucas coming. He smiled at me, it wasn't his usual smile I was used to rather it was filled with nervousness. Why was he nerves??.

He started and nervously cleared his throat. I sent him an encouraging smile. He signaled me to stand next to him. I was really confused at this point, but did it anyway. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. He shot me 'I know what I am doing' look and turned towards Ryan.

"Ryan, I know this is a little late to say this, but I don't wanna delay it further."

He took a deep breath.

"Kyle and I are in a relationship. I love him and only him." I just stared at him, my eyes wide as saucers. Before he continued.

"Before you ask, yes Riya knows it. Everyone in this room knows except you.
And no my parents don't."

"Riya and I are great friends; I love her but only as a good friend. I am forced to have this wedding by my parents and Riya is afraid to hurt you by saying no. Therefore, we choose to remain silent. However, Ryan I simply can't anymore. So please, please can you please cancel this wedding. Please Ryan."
With that, He finished.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't expected him to come out like that. However, man I would be lying if I say I am not happy. I looked at Ryan he seemed to be lost in thought.

"I wanna talk to Riya, alone." He said finally.

Riya gulped but nodded. They went to a room and locked it behind them.

"Can I go and eavesdrop???"
Hunter asked.

Albert shook his head no. Hunter sighed but obeyed. After what felt like years but only minutes they both came back. Riya's eyes were slightly puffy and red.

"Okay.", Ryan said

Lucas tilted his head like a list puppy.

"I said okay, I will cancel the wedding." He said making all of us grin.

"But are you okay with the loss?" Ryan asked.

"What loss? What are you talking about??" Lucas asked.

Ryan sighed.

"I take that as you didn't know about the deal.

You see, your father's company hasn't been going well for the past two years. Therefore, a year ago your mother came to my company to offer a deal.

If I agree to help their company and invest, you get to marry my daughter.

I thought about it for a while and said yes because I wanted Riya to move on, make friends and live. So, this was a great opportunity for me to make it happen. And look I succeeded. Now she my old bubbly Riya.


I thought you knew about the deal. I should have asked you myself instead of trusting them, I am sorry kiddo."

He ended with a sigh and began to massage his temples.
Everyone was shocked was an understandment, how could they do this, to their own kid.

I squeezed Lucas's hand and looked at him.

"Excuse me..."He said removing his hand and went upstairs.

Everyone was watching him leave.

"I will go check on him"

I said to a still shocked hunter and Albert they both nodded.

I went to our room and saw him lying on the bed, curling into a small ball. I lied behind him, spooning him. My arms tightly wrapped around his waist.

"Kyle I want to be alone." He said, his voice slightly breaking.

"Just pretend I am not here." I whispered in his ear and kissed it.

He turned around to face me and stared at me for a few seconds before burying his face in my chest. His hands gripping my T-shirt tightly, like I will fade away any moment. I rubbed his back soothingly.

"It will be alright. Everything will be fine."

I whispered to him.

"They sold me Kyle, they literally sold me. I knew this was a deal, but I never thought they would practically sold me to Ryan. How can they Kyle, am I not his son? How could he do this to me? Why Kyle, Why?" He sobbed into my chest.

"Shh... Everything will be alright. I am here Lucas. And, I always will be."

"Please don't leave me Kyle, please", he said looking into my eyes.

I kissed his lips softly but passionately pouring all my love. I lean my forehead in his and looked into his mesmerizing eyes,


// Aww...
I can see this story coming to an end guys...
But I don't know how many chapters it will take...//

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