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//Hiya my salty cherries, another early update. I don't know when I will be able to update next after my school starts, so I am updating while I can.
I seriously don't know what the heck am I writing. I am sorry if its bad. I am just going with the flow, I guess. But I am so sorry for the horrible plot...

stay safe...
Love you all...//


"LUCAS MATTHEW WILLIAMS, WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?!" Catty screamed through the phone. However, before I can reply she continued.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was for us to convince Mr. Khan to agree for this dea-, I mean wedding. How dare you to let my efforts down? I am so fucking sure that you are the reason behind this, what did you do Lucas? What the fuck you did?"

"Liste- " She cut me off once again. I can feel Kyle standing behind me, he placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me an encouraging smile. I smiled back reassuringly.

"How can you do this to us Lucas, how can you? To your dad? To your mom? We raised you Lucas, we loved you and this, and this is your way of paying us off? Answer me Lucas, god damn it answer me, I swear-"

"Will you let me, first of all shut the fuck up and listen okay; secondly YOU are not my Mother, understood? Thirdly, you didn't love me, You sold me. Lastly, yes I made him cancel this wedding. Because, I am gay!" I shouted throw the phone, having enough of her drama.

"You are what? How- and how did you know about the deal?" She asked, her voice breaking slightly because of being caught. She was silent for a second before she continued...

"You are gay? You piece of trash shit faggot, get out of my house right now, you are no son of mine when you can't even marry a girl we choose for you, you are going to rot in hell. No, even the hell won't accept you. Get of the house this instant. Unlike you, my other son will take your place in business and marry a girl of my choice, you understand you good for nothing, like mother like son, if you didn't get out of the house in 5 minutes, I will call the cops, you understand?" with that the line went dead.

I stood still, I couldn't even move. Kyle hugged me, burying my face in his neck and he patted my head softly.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." He said.
"I am honestly not worried about me, I am worried about Hunt, what would happen when I am not with him? She is going to sell him too, I can't let that happen Kyle, I can't...." I said nervously, I can't leave him in this hell alone. What if he can't make it?
"I am sure Alb will never let anything happen to him." Kyle said, yeah, he will take care of Hunt, but still I can't help but feeling hopeless and worthless.
"Lets get you out of this hell, okay?" he asked. I nodded my head and started packing. Just as we were finished packing, 5 guards came to the room.

"5 minutes are over" one of them said. I nodded and dragged my suitcase, but only to be stopped by another guard. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Sorry sir, but you are only allowed to take your clothes, your laptop and your phone. So please return your car keys." He stated. I did as I am told. I made my way downstairs with Kyle on my heels with the guards. He squeezed my hand and gave me a small smile. We reached the living room, where I saw my brother and my best friend making out, I faked a cough, getting their attention. Albert stared me questioningly eyeing my suitcase.

"Where are you going? We just got back from a trip and you are planning to go on other?" Hunter asked.

"I am afraid your 5 minutes are over." The guard behind me stated. I sighed.
" I will call you guys, take care and remember I love you both." I said and turned from them. Its not like I will never see them right? Then why it hurts so much?

"Wait a minute, what the fuck is going on?" Hunter asked the guard.
"Young mistress ordered Young master Lucas to leave the house." He replied.
"Lucas you are not going anywhere, come back this instant." Hunter screamed but I ignored it and got in Kyle's car. We pulled from drive way only to see Hunter running towards us.

"Young master please, you are not allowed out of this house." A guard came running behind him.

And with that we left that hell behind...

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