Chapter Three: Klatooine

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"We'll be approaching Klatooine soon, where is Cass?" Echo asked aloud as he assisted Tech in the landing process.

"She was using the refresher," Hunter answered as he picked some dirt off of his armor. "She wanted to shower and clean up a bit. And I gave her some of your blacks and a jacket, Tech. I hope you don't mind."

"I think Echo's blacks might have fit her better than mine, I don't know why you did that."

"Oh maker, how could I have done such a thing," Hunter deadpanned, then chuckled at his obliviousness.

"Alright, round up Wrecker and Crosshair and be prepared to head out," Echo told Hunter. Hunter nodded and searched for the other two clones.

"I heard we're landing soon?" Cassiopeia stepped out and walked to the cockpit. She rested her hands on the back of Tech's chair, causing Tech to tense up for a moment.

"Yeah, are you ready to go?" Echo looked to her and saw her standing tall, dressed in black uniform.

She unhooked her lightsaber from her belt and waved it. "I've got all I need."

Echo nodded and smiled. "It's been a while since I've seen you in action. Haven't had any accidents since Naboo, have you?" he laughed.

"Hey! Tup needed a haircut," Cass laughed and recalled the memory where she swung a little too close to the clone's head. "I'm older and wiser now, Echo, don't worry."

"I'll see it when I believe it," Echo laughed and Cass hit his arm.

"You're going to want to buckle up," Tech announced as he heard the rest of the squad shuffle to the front. "There's a dust storm where we need to land so it might get choppy."

Cass followed the lead of the three clones behind her, strapping herself next to Crosshair and across from Hunter and Wrecker.

"Are you strapped in Cass?" Tech turned back to face the Jedi, his breath hitching as he finally got a look of her. Her hair was out of her braids, but still purple and even more vibrant. Her long curly hair bounced with the turbulence, with the occasional white whispy pieces falling in front of her face. Her being in his clothes paired with the loose smile on her lips was the perfect storm to give him breathing problems.

"All good Tech," she reassured him and pulled the restraint tighter so he could visually see it was taught.

"Aren't you going to check my restraints, Tech?" Crosshair hissed with a grin.

Tech rolled his eyes with a huff and turned back to the controls. As the ship entered the atmosphere, giant swirls of sand blasted against the ship.

"Oh I hate rough landings!" Wrecked cried and held onto the seat tighter.

"We're almost down," Echo called out.

The ship continued to bounce and shake with the gusts of wind battering the ship. Tech released the landing gear and unsteadily got the ship to the ground. Tech sighed in relief and leaned back in his chair.

"Alright, let's not waste any time and try to find our boys," Hunter released his restraint and headed towards the door.

"Here," Tech reached out to Cass and handed her an extra pair of goggles. "To protect your eyes from the storm."

Cass smiled appreciatively and took the goggles from him. They matched his own with large round lenses. As she slid them over her eyes, she squinted.

"They're blurry," she readjusted the strap to fit tighter around her head.

"Sorry about that. They have my personal prescription in them, but they're all we have," Tech added while his heart swelled at the sight of her in his glasses.

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