Chapter Eleven: Kidron

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Tech wiped his goggles and pulled his helmet off as they stepped foot into a giant domed hut. The hut they stood in was one of the largest in the city, holding refuge for vendors and their goods from the rain. Much more organized and smaller than that of Klatooine, the market was supplied with more rare and fine pieces from across the galaxy. Cass' eyes scanned the many tables covered in jewelry and exotic foods, as well as other specialty items like perfumes and oils. Some even displayed small animals for sale.

She gently shook some of the water off her jacket and lowered her hood, her deep lilac hair expanded outwards with the humidity. She tucked the contrasting white pieces that sprouted around her face behind her ears, and began walking towards the center of the grand hut.

Many delicacies and lavish alcohols were offered to the pair, both to which they kindly refused. Tech was drawn to the artifacts, particularly one sculpture of a Krayt Dragon. Cass watched as he delicately ran a finger down the spine of the animal, then she lazily grinned as his goggled eyes filled with wonder. Cass walked past him and found herself squatting down to pet a dark yellow tooka. She sadly smiled as the leashed animal rolled onto its back and begged her to rub its stomach. She laced her fingers through its fur and caressed the animal gently, earning a content purr from its mouth. Tech glanced over at her just in time to see her lift the tooka and whisper against it.

"Maybe someday kih burc'ya [small friend]," she pressed her forehead to its own and pat the creature once more, then stood up and continued on her way. The next vendor waved down Tech—whose focus was stuck on the Jedi—and began pointing excitedly at the items on his table.

"For yousa! For yousa!" the tall Gungan clamored in a thick accent. He held up a large green fern-like plant, one that was buried in an intricately engraved pot. Some sort of red vegetable was beginning to sprout from the bottom, just barely peeking from the soil.

"What species is this?" Tech gestured to the plant, then curiously examined it and ran a hand over one of the fronds.

"It's a chak-root. It's good for you and your wife," the man leaned in and whispered while pointing to Cass who roamed in the background. "It gives good luck and fertility."

"Oh no no! You are mistaken sir," Tech stepped back and shook his head nervously. "She's not my know-"

His feverish energy caught Cass' attention and she began to pace towards the conversation. She peered towards them and caught sight of the plant, then quickened her footing and landed beside Tech.

"You found it!" she bounced on her heels and nodded excitedly at the vendor. She patted Tech's arm enthusiastically and leaned into his body to get a closer look.

"Found what?" Tech furrowed his brows and pursed his lips.

"This!" she pointed at the plant. "It's a chak-root! I can use this to make better paint! I was mostly getting it to fix Hunter's armor but I could fix yours too—if you wanted, that is."

Tech's heart raced faster in alignment with the growth of Cass' smile. He watched as she hurriedly pulled credits out of her pocket and placed them on the table, to which the vendor eagerly handed her the plant.

"I would be honored," Tech nodded and tried his hardest to remain the same shade while memorizing her face.

"I'm gonna hide this from Wrecker otherwise he might make his own paint and find a way to graffiti the ship permanently," she laughed and shifted her weight, adjusting the large pot in her arms. She thanked the vendor and began making her way to the exit, surely to hide the plant somewhere in Echo's room.

Tech stood dazed, feeling like there was static blurring his brain. He felt that familiar tug of the force lessen as she walked away, though as it dissipated—the more he yearned for it.

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