Chapter Twenty Five: Mutual Adoration

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"And what do they got over there?" Hunter glanced at Cass and Tech, who had wandered away and got distracted conversing about the difference between R2 and R4 astromech droids.

They then sat at a table near the back, facing each other and resting their boots close enough to just barely touch. Tech was deep in thought as he fumbled with a small wooden pyramid, while Cass rested her arms and chin on the table and watched him with admiring eyes.

"A Cerean puzzle cube," Cid sighed. "I've got all these games here and they find the most boring thing I've got."

"It's not boring if you know how to solve it," Cass mumbled loudly from across the room.

"She's got a point," Echo smirked proudly.

"Well...she did solve it when she was a kid. These two knuckleheads still haven't cracked it and they've been coming here for years," Cid pointed to the two regular patrons hanging out on the outskirts of the group.

The Weequay and Ithorian grumbled under their breath, but didn't dare to refuse the accusation because after all—it was true.

Cid leaned towards Hunter and gestured for him to lower to her level.

"So what's goin' on with Curly and Goggles anyways? They won't stop makin' goo-goo eyes at each other since they walked in here," Cid frowned, then glanced back at the pair.

"We... aren't really sure. It's inevitable that they're gonna get together at some point so we've got bets going on when it's gonna happen," Hunter explained with a deep chuckle.

"Oh yeah?" Cid raised a brow and peered at the other boys. "Has either of them made a move?"

"We suspect something might have happened a couple days ago, but there's been no sign of progress since then," Hunter added.

"Something has to happen soon, right? They seem to really like each other," Omega added in her two-sense with a dreamy smile.

"Nah, I think they'll keep pining for a while—I mean look at ''s been obvious since day one, yet nothing has happened," Echo grumbled.

"Have a little faith in em'," Wrecker slapped Echo's back. "I think they'll be together within the next couple days," he confessed quietly, keeping his insider information in his back pocket.

"No way," Echo scoffed and leaned against the wall gruffly.

"Alright alright, what are the stakes?" Cid squinted.

The boys shared amused grins and closed the inner circle further.

"If I win, I get to keep a pet on the ship!" Wrecker cheered quietly. "If Hunter wins, he gets to trade bunks with Echo because Tech talks too much in his sleep. And if Echo wins, he gets dibs on the fresher for twelve rotations."

"Strange requests but...I'm in," Cid nodded and Omega bounced on her heels.

"I want in too!" she peeped and shook Hunter's hand.

"Okay, you can join," Hunter nodded and Omega beamed.

"Okay. Well, I think it will happen in the next twenty-four hours," Omega paused and looked to her feet in thought, then straightened up not a moment later. "And if I win, I want to spend a day exploring a planet. As long as it's safe to do so."

Hunter nodded and grinned lazily at the child.

"Works for me," Hunter patted her back, then swiveled back in Cid's direction. "And you?"

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