Chapter Nineteen: Complications

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"It's ironic. Clones wanted names instead of numbers, yet now people are signing up to be given numbers," Echo gruffed from his chair.

"It's ingenious," Tech admired while leaning against the rim of the comms system. "You could create a database to identify anyone in the galaxy."

"Glad you're impressed, but where are we gonna find the data for these chain codes? And the disks?" Echo turned around to face Tech and Cass—who had absentmindedly found their way next to each other.

"We already thought of that. Clones control the spaceport now. We can tap into their network and replicate the codes from there," Cass explained.

Echo furrowed his brows. "And how do you suppose we do that?"

"Well...that's the part you're not gonna like," Cass pursed her lips.

"Hunter said they're tagging ships inside their impound facility. That is our way in," Tech added.

Echo's eyes widened and he shook his head. "Are you suggesting we call the authorities and have them seize our ship?"

Cass held back a chuckle while Tech didn't bat an eye.

"That is exactly what I am saying," Tech shrugged his shoulders.

"We can hide, wait until it's clear, then grab the disks. Without any complications, we'll be in and out within a few minutes," Cass explained a little more of the plan to ease Echo.

"I guess if they think it's abandoned, that just might work," Echo nodded unsurely and stood up.

Tech immediately alerted the authorities of one "abandoned ship" and began preparing for the code transfer. Cass quickly wandered around the shuttle, trying to find places for them to hide once the troopers showed up. She saw two panels above her head and swiped a hand, the panels shifted open and she stuck her neck out to get a better look.

"What about up here, Echo?" she called out.

"That'll work," Echo replied quickly and holstered his blaster.

The loud whir of the impound ship dragged above them, and soon the Havoc Marauder was magnetized and in the air.

"Hunter," Tech commed in. "We needed to get into the spaceport undetected so we had the ship impounded."

"You did what?!" Hunter's voice crackled through the communicator. "Tech!"

"This was the simplest solution," Tech answered frankly.

"Getting our ship impounded is not my idea of a solution," Hunter growled.

"We'll meet you at the spaceport with the chain codes," Tech directed.

"Don't worry, we have this under control. I won't let things get out of hand," Cass reassured him.

"It's not you I'm worried about. You three have a much bigger problem. Omega's on the ship!"

At his words, all of them looked up to the gunner's nest, where Omega's distinct blonde curls poked out from behind.

"I think it's a good plan guys," she swiveled around to face them and waved timidly.

"So much for simple," Echo murmured.

"We'll be fine, it'll be fine," Cass said calmly to Echo—though she was talking more to herself—and motioned Omega towards her. "But we'll be grounded on the lot anytime now so we need to hide."

"Indeed," Tech nodded, and the four of them began piling into the overhead vent.

Cass easily jumped into the vent first, then laid on her stomach to reach out a hand. Tech lent Echo a knee to stand on and Echo grabbed Cass' hand. She pulled him up into the vent with her, then reached out to take Omega from Tech's arms. Finally, Cass and Echo reached out and hauled Tech into the vent. Cass then closed the vent and squatted beside Omega.

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