Chapter Twenty Four: Muchi

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Tech drifted back to his pilot's chair and landed the ship on the sandy outskirts of the city. Everyone strapped their helmets on—except for Cass and Omega—then leered over the edge of the rocky bluff.

Wrecker and Tech got on one knee and pulled out their scanners. Cass knelt beside Omega—who eagerly wanted in on the action—and handed the child her scanner. Omega eagerly thanked her and copied her brothers' positions, then zoomed in on the captives down below.

"I have a visual," Tech announced. "I only see one child.

"Poor Muchi," Omega frowned and lowered her scanner. "She looks scared."

"I'm clocking two dozen hostiles. Multiple entry points with minor fortification," Tech continued as he lowered his scope.

"Simple smash and grab like that time on Kuat," Wrecker cheered. "Easy enough."

"I'm in. What are we waiting for?" Omega gestured a determined fist and peered at her brothers.

"You stay with Cass," Hunter ordered and grabbed her arm.

"But-" Omega and Cass both stuttered.

"That's an order," Hunter affirmed sternly.

"Yes, sir," Omega bowed her head and plopped back into the dust.

"But why shouldn't I go with you? There's dozens down there and you'll need help with the mission," Cass argued.

"Rescuing Muchi is our mission, keeping Omega safe is yours. I could argue that your directive is more important anyways," Hunter refuted and stood on his feet.

Cass sighed and shrugged defeatedly. "Alright, but at least leave me my lightsaber."

Hunter nodded and quickly retrieved the weapon from Tech's pack. He tossed it to Cass and she naturally hooked it to her side. She pursed her lips and sat cross-legged beside Omega on the dirt.

"Well I guess we'll just be up here if you need any help," Cass mentioned with a twinge of disappointment.

"Ha! We won't need any help!" Wrecker mashed his knuckles together and began sliding down the hill.

The rest of the boys followed and cascaded down the rocks and gravel. Cass swiveled and laid on her stomach so she could watch them slowly gravitate towards the middle of the city.

"I wish I could be down there with them," Omega crossed her arms and pouted.

"Eh don't worry, they'll need us. It's just a matter of time," Cass mumbled as she held her scanner to her eyes.

Omega scrunched her nose and sank next to Cass, mirroring her position.

"What do you mean?" Omega leaned into Cass's side.

"You see that Brezak right there," Cass removed her scope and pointed to the orange lizard approaching the men.

"Yeah?" Omega looked on worriedly.

"It's gonna find one of them, I'm sure of it," Cass calculated casually.

Omega sat up straighter. "Well shouldn't we comm one of them?"

"We could but," Cass' words lingered as she squinted through the lenses, "they said they didn't need our help."

"That seems mean," Omega sputtered then sat up completely.

"They're big boys, they can handle a stupid Brezak," Cass laughed and peered up at Omega, "and besides, we need to save our strength...I have a feeling the lizard is gonna be the least of their problems," she admitted as she continued scanning for more Kygerrians.

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