Chapter Thirty Two: Scars Are Kriffing Cool

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Omega shrieked at the top of her lungs as she used all her strength to straighten out as Cass said. Tech formed a similar position, and Cass spun to dive in head first.

Tech landed earliest with a towering splash from his heavy armor slapping against the water. Cass landed next, and swooped under the water to meet Omega as she landed. Omega plunked into the water, her arms immediately began flailing at her sides with her eyes squeezed shut. Cass wrapped her hands at Omega's hips and kicked her feet until they reached the top.

The nighthunters howled from above as all three of them surfaced and gasped harshly. Water spewed from their noses and mouths—or helmets as it were—and their lungs ached as they swam downriver towards the bank.

They coughed roughly as they clutched onto the soil and dragged themselves from the river. Omega continued choking out water and Cass was quick to steady her against her chest.

"You're okay, just breathe," Cass patted her back consolingly to gently force out any more water. "That's it, easy, you're alright."

After Omega was done heaving, she could breath long enough to let a sob escape her lips. She tiredly cried into Cass' clothes, letting her tears mix with the freezing water soaked into Cass' poncho.

Tech splayed out beside her and groaned weakly, causing Cass gasp and gently set Omega aside. Cass pushed her sopping curls back, scurried through the mud over to his side, then yanked Tech's helmet off.

"Tech?" Cass whimpered, and let her eyes wander to the seeping pool of dark red flooding from beneath his blacks. She sucked in a breath and feared for the worst.

Her eyes immediately began to brim with tears as she hovered a pair of shaky hands over the gash across his abdomen. She then laced her fingers against the side of his face and rubbed the hollow of his cheeks. "Tech, are you okay? Please—please be okay," she muttered.

Tech's mouth twitched and his head lolled to one side. His chest unsteadily rose and his eyes fluttered beneath his eyelids.

"My stomach hurts," Tech mumbled feebly and Cass exhaled in relief, then set her forehead against his chest.

"Thank the Maker," she wheezed and smiled gratefully against his cuirass. "We need to get you back to the ship now," she sputtered and frantically sat up.

"That would definitely be preferable to bleeding out here," Tech mumbled breathlessly—his wit intact.

Cass shook her head and jolted that very thought from her mind. She couldn't stand to even entertain something like that—even if he was just joking.

"Can you stand?" she stammered impatiently.

Tech coughed forcefully and clutched at his wound. Cass set a palm along his back as he nodded weakly and rolled over.

He grasped at Cass for assistance, and Omega saw his desperation. The child pulled at his other hand and tugged as hard as she could, though the weight of his soaked clothes and armor didn't make him any lighter.

The girls were able to hoist Tech to a sitting position, then they steadied him enough to get him to his feet. He hobbled a bit, but eventually had his arm fixed around Cass' shoulders.

Cass used her free hand and raised her wrist to her lips. "Hunter, how's it looking out there?"

"We've got the lizard but the entire gang is on our tails and the ship is about two miles away. Could be better. Are you guys heading back yet?" he answered as blaster fire crackled in the background.

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