Chapter Fifteen: Saleucami

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They landed on the edge of the city at the location Tech sent to Cass' data pad, then lowered by a patch of towering bith. She reluctantly shed Tech's jacket, then unraveled the leather that wrapped around her lightsaber and used it to tie her hair up. She ran a thumb over the intricate engraving of her metal saber and hooked it back onto her belt. Rex opened the entrance and carefully stuck his head outside, ensuring that no Republic forces were near. To his relief, only a few eopie roamed the grasses around the Lawquane hut.

"Come on," Rex waved a hand and led Cass outside. They walked through the caked mud and tall flora, weaving through the path that led to the house.

"Watch out," Rex pointed to the ground and took a careful step. "Double trip wire."

Cass followed his lead and cautiously avoided the wires. She scoped out the surroundings as they approached closer, she saw a ball on the ground and a bike leaning against the hut. Two little heads popped up from the window and Cass leaned over Rex's shoulder to get a better look. Yet, there was no need because the two she saw came running out the house and straight to Rex with their arms up. Rex embraced the tiny Twi'leks, sharing greetings and laughs between them. Cass stood behind Rex, her heart warmed at the sight of him. The smaller of the two furrowed his brows and whispered to Rex, though Cass could hear him anyways.

"Who is she?" the pink Twi'lek asked and pointed at Cass.

Rex stood up and gestured for Cass to come closer. He put a hand on her shoulder and introduced her. "Guys, this is Cassiopeia. Cass, this is Shaeeah and Jek."

She waved and kneeled down to their level, then flashed a soft smile.

"It's very nice to meet you both," she glanced between the two children. The children beamed in excitement, for they didn't leave the farm often and were always delighted to meet new people.

"Why are you guys here?" Jek examined Cass curiously and obviously, his eyes searching from the scar on her eyebrow to her bouncy hair to the weapon she had tucked to her side.

"Well," Cass pursed her lips and thought of the best way to describe the morbid situation to the kids. "Something bad has happened and we needed a place to rest. I was told you guys would take care of us."

"Getting into trouble again, Rex?" Shaeeah exasperatedly sighed, a smirk tugged on her lips.

Rex laughed slightly and tried to hide the anxiety behind it, but Cass didn't miss the worry laced into his chuckle. She met his eyes and stood up, then playfully patted his shoulder.

"Isn't he always?" she gave him a knowing look. She winced as the kids gripped the bruise on her forearm and pulled her towards them.

"Let's play ball! I just got a new one!" Jek squealed happily and picked up his toy. He kicked it to Cass who easily shot it back to him.

"Maybe not right now guys," Cass reluctantly said and caused the kids to deflate.

"Yeah, we need to speak with your dad. Where is he?" Rex asked and looked around.

"He's inside. Mom is wrapping up his wrist," Jek pointed to the hut.

"Yeah, he had an accident with a buzzard hawk a little while ago," Shaeeah added. "But we're gonna eat the hawk for dinner so I guess it worked out."

Cass and Rex looked to each other and raised their brows, amused by the lack of tact from the child. Rex shook his head and headed towards the hut with Cass close behind.

"So who is this guy? Cut?" Cass asked quietly and ran a hand over the fronds of a featherfern.

"He's a clone, a deserter. He has no loyalties with either side of the war, but I trust him. He'll do what's best for his family, and that means staying hidden from the rest of the galaxy. From the Empire," Rex explained.

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