Chapter Ten: Entangled

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They landed on Kidron not too long afterwards. Again, the ship was pelted during landing, but this time with rain. The men suited up while Cass strapped Tech's jacket back on, and lifted the hood over her head in one motion. The second they walked out of the ship, they were enveloped in the warm muggy atmosphere of the planet. Cass' face immediately felt slick with condensation, and her hands felt clammy. Republic mechanics swarmed the ship and began fueling the Marauder, Hunter nodded to them in thanks.

"Wrecker and I will grab a new box of rations," Hunter looked back at the group. "Try not to cause any trouble, please, we don't need another Geonosis incident."

"That was one time!" Crosshair grumbled and shook his head.

Hunter chuckled lowly and led Wrecker away, leaving the rest of the group to occupy themselves until they returned. Crosshair immediately departed from the group, walking with determination.

"Where's he going?" Cass spoke with her head slightly downturned, avoiding any rain that fell from above.

"Off to find some spicebrew, I'm sure," Echo answered, finding his way to Cass' right side.

Cass hummed in response and looked between her two boys on either side of her. Tech was typing away, of course, and Echo was watching the mechanics work intently on the Marauder.

Her gaze went to her feet as the smooth pull of the force called to her. The hairs on her skin stood up a little, just like they did anytime she felt the gravitational energy of the force. She closed her eyes momentarily, trying to sense what exactly she was feeling. It wasn't anything from Tech or Echo, no, it was much stronger than anything they could ever consciously emanate. Her head rose back up and she instinctively began walking, trudging in the hot rain towards the source. Tech and Echo raised their brows and watched Cass exit without saying a word.

"Um, should we go with her?" Tech gestured towards her ever-distancing figure.

"She's a Jedi, she can handle herself," Echo shook his head.

She ducked her head under low branches, tracing a lazy hand against the bark of the trees as she wandered. She peeked through the leaves and let a few stray drops of rain plop on her forehead. Cass continued to travel farther away from the station and further into the jungle. Only a few moments after that, just faint vibrations of her voice could be heard.

Tech's curiosity got the best of him, wondering who she could possibly be talking to. He took a few steps towards the edge of the jungle and lowered his visor, keeping an eye out for other heat signatures. Still, he only traced hers.

"You stay with the ship, I'll follow her," Tech announced, glancing back at Echo.

"Yeah, you go do that," Echo's voice slyly came through his helmet as he crossed his arms and shifted his weight to one side.

Completely missing the teasing tone, Tech wandered on towards Cass. Her voice was quiet and soft, a tone gentle enough he could have thought she was speaking to a child. He peered through the foliage, using one of his arms to prop up a branch and the other hand to lift his visor.

There she sat in the damp dirt, legs crossed and eyes closed. Dark violet flowers bloomed throughout the plant, a few stray petals fell onto her hood as she mumbled something incoherently. She felt his presence and immediately turned to Tech, eyes wide but full of warmth.

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