Chapter Seven: Stiches & Sabaac

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"I'm never coming back to this planet again, that's for sure," Midnight huffed, then winced when Tech pulled out another shard of glass from his cheek.

"Sorry, I'm almost done," Tech apologized and sprayed bacta to the area, then moved onto the next shard.

Cass sat next to Tech, carefully working on removing the glass from one side of Jako's forehead. They passed the bacta back and forth effortlessly, knowing exactly when to hand it over without looking.

"So what exactly was on the disc?" Cass asked as she took the bacta from Tech and began applying it to Jako.

"It had a blueprint of the Senate building and attack formations planned out. I think Grievous is planning on capturing the Chancellor," Jako explained.

The clones all glanced between eachother incredulously.

"Are you sure?" Hunter crossed his arms and leaned against the wall of their ship.

"Absolutely. He plans on sending most of the Confederate Navy to begin the assault," the younger clone stuttered.

"We need to alert the Captain and General Skywalker of this. They'll want to round up more legions and prepare a counter attack," Echo announced.

Hunter nodded and Echo went into another room to tell Rex their findings.

"That seems big. Even for Grievous," Crosshair grumbled and adjusted the toothpick in his mouth.

"I agree. But it's a good thing we're getting this information to the Republic as quickly as possible," Hunter added.

"Yeah, General Skywalker will know what to do," Wrecker chimed in, nodding eagerly.

Cass hummed in agreement as she finished up a small stitch along Jako's jaw. The clone kept his eyes shut, trying to remain as still as possible. She quickly glanced over at Tech who had successfully stitched three wounds along Midnight's hand and arm.

"How did you finish off the knot like that?" Cass examined Tech's work, then turned back to Jako. "Mine always end up too loose."

"Let me take a look," Tech glanced over at Cass, who was biting her bottom lip in concentration.

Tech inspected her stitches so far and tilted his head. "Instead of wrapping the thread clockwise around the needle driver, wrap it counter-clockwise. This will keep it from slipping."

Tech watched her hands move delicately as she followed his instructions. As he leaned in to look at the stitches, he hadn't realized how close he was to Cass now. She faintly smelled of blue aura blossom, and he could finally observe the faint freckles on her nose and cheeks.

"Like that?" she leaned away and ran a thumb softly over the stitches, ensuring they laid as flat as possible.

"Yes," he subtly glanced at her, then back to the freshly stitched wound. "Just like that."

"Thanks Tech," she grinned proudly.

Tech's heart sped up a bit seeing her smile so widely, happy that he was able to teach her something.

"Thanks for the help," Jako nodded to the two of them and stood up. "I'm a little disappointed I won't come out of this with a cool scar like you," he pointed to Cass' leg and she grinned, "but I'm glad to be going home for now."

"You can say that again," Midnight ghosted a hand over his wrist, feeling the stitches Tech had inserted.

Echo walked out and pocketed his holoprojector. "The cruiser is entering the atmosphere now so you boys will be on your way back soon."

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