Cruel Summer

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"It's a Cruel... Cruel Summer..."

The day had only just begun and you already wanted to go back to bed and assume this was all just a nightmare.

But unfortunately for you, the first day of school was very real. Mom offered to drive you, but you knew skating would help clear your head. Putting on your Walkman, you laced up your skates and headed out. Cruel Summer by Bananarama drowned out the noise of the busy streets. You let yourself melt into the music notes as they soaked into your ears. The lyrics made you feel seen, especially since your cruelest summer was coming to a close. It was time for a fresh start.

You wore your favorite outfit in hopes of making your first day at school seem like a dream. Your anxieties were high, but you were doing everything you could to remain rooted in pure bliss. In the moment, you simply let the music take you. It was a trick your father taught you: when the Walkman is on, the world is out. You smiled and danced away the hurt, not caring how quickly you were approaching your final destination. Father would have wanted you to enjoy this day, so you would try your best for him.

When you arrived at the school, you skated to the nearest bench and pulled out your tennis shoes. You unlaced your skates and placed them in your bag when suddenly, you noticed a shadow blocking your light.

You were afraid to look up. Please don't be Johnny.

Just as soon as the thought crossed your mind, another one replaced it. He can't do anything to you here, you're at school.

Quickly composing yourself, you looked up to find the shadow's owner. A sigh of relief escaped your lips when you noticed it was only Ali. You pulled your Walkman around your neck and smiled.

"I saw your skating... you're a natural! How'd you learn to do that?"

"My dad taught me." You smiled fondly at the memory. "He introduced me to a lot of cool hobbies that just kinda... stuck with me I guess."

"That's awesome! What else did he teach you?"

"Well," you laughed sheepishly, "he taught me how to play guitar, the drums, karate, archery, painting, and skating... obviously." You fidgeted with your hands nervously.

Relax, she's a friend. There's no need to get nervous talking about the things Dad was passionate about. She's clearly interested in your hobbies. Just take a deep breath.

"Wow!" She exclaimed.

"I know... it's a lot," you bounced up and down on the balls of your feet, "and that's not even all of it. He pretty much taught me everything I know."

Ali shook her head in awe. Her smile was certainly contagious. "You know, I just met you yesterday and I have to say you might just be the coolest person I've ever met."

You chuckled at this. "No way."

"Yes way!"

The two of you continued to laugh and you felt your muscles relax. If anything, you at least made a real friend last night. You mentally pinched yourself and tried to keep that positive detail in your mind. Don't focus on the bad, Dad would always say, there's always good to be found.

Ali reached behind her and pulled her bag from her shoulder. She pulled a rolled up piece of paper from the pocket and unraveled it, revealing a schedule. She extended her arm to you and you took the paper hesitantly.

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