Under Pressure

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You stayed up for hours, telling your mom about all of the threatening remarks and comments Kreese had made toward you, Johnny, and the rest of the cobras.

She was in complete and utter awe. But not shock, which was sad considering she expected this from him.

She immediately went to work, sewing his name back where it belonged, threading the missing fabric back into its proper place like a puzzle.

The next morning, Johnny was up and ready before you. The two of you hopped in his car and drove off to school.

You immediately spotted Daniel, who was running toward you. He was out of breath when he approached, his eyes wide.

"Daniel, what's wrong?"

"Last night after your party, I went to Mr. Miyagi's right? He was drunk."

"Mr. Miyagi was drunk?!"

"Yes! And get this... he was rambling on and on about his wife and kid that he lost. I felt so sorry for him."

"Yeah... it's sad."

Daniel whipped his head around to face you. "Wait, you knew?"

"I went over there a few weeks ago and he told me. He wasn't drunk... we were just... talking about things."

"What were you talking about?"

Your eyes flickered to Johnny, but unfortunately he was paying attention. Even if he wasn't there, you didn't think it was right to tell Daniel about Kreese. Although it was eating you up inside...

"Nothing." You brushed it off.

Daniel didn't seem to buy it, but he didn't press it any further.

The rest of the school day was normal, all except for the fact that Johnny tried being even closer to you. He was really taking advantage of the whole I love you conversation from the night before. Not that Johnny wasn't close to you before, but now he was getting really close. You wanted to brush him off just to see him go wild, but you appreciated his touch and let it be.

After school was let out, the cobras tried to convince you to come to watch them practice. You looked to Johnny nervously, who then turned to the boys and suggested that it may not be the best idea. He filled them in on the last public interaction with Kreese in which he launched you into a trophy case. You winced as he told the story. If it hadn't have hurt so bad, you would've complimented him for his strength.

You skated around for a bit after you were left alone. Unknowingly, you found yourself skating to Mr. Miyagi's.

But when you stumbled upon the backyard, you grew confused.

Mr. Miyagi was practicing a move you had never seen before. His stance was more direct and demanding than you had seen him demonstrate previously. With his face in full concentration, you hated to admit that you seemed scared of him in that moment.

He let out a fearsome yell before chopping his hands down and up through the air at a sharp degree. His speed was menacing as he ruthlessly showed the air no mercy.

Once he had finished, he took a step back. You don't know what overcame him, but suddenly, he looked like his same old self again.

"Mr. Miyagi." You said hesitantly.

He moved his head slightly, turning to face you. There was no ounce of shock or surprise on his face at the sight of you. He knew you were there the whole time.

"Hai. You came back."

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"

"Fear..." he contemplated, "uncle corrupt you."

He let out a wild holler of laughter, and you couldn't help but join in. As he slapped his knee, he bent over in a fit of giggles.

"Do you really think that low of me?" You laughed.

"Hai. You are Daniel-san's friend. Fear stupid decisions are common."

This made you laugh even harder.

When the laughter settled and died down, you cleared your throat. Mr. Miyagi began descending into another stance, almost as if you hadn't interrupted him at all. But you were still curious about the previous move.

"What were you practicing."

His grin was small, but noticeable. He nodded his head as if he was expecting you to ask.

"Miyagi pressure point."

You stepped forward, craving more information. "What's that?"

"Something I think you're ready to learn."

You couldn't help but grin. "You're going to teach me that technique? But what does it even do?"

"Let's just say... if an enemy insists on waging war, then you take away their ability to wage it."

Shaking your head in dismay, you had to take another moment to process the words. "What?"

"This technique very powerful. Very strong. Only those who are balanced can use it properly. You are ready. I've seen your abilities. It is time for me to teach you properly."

Your breath physically hitched.

"But you must promise one thing." He continued.

"What is it?"

He took a moment to pause and reflect. Considering his words, he nodded, ready to tell you what came next.

"You must not tell Daniel-San."

"What? Why not?"

"Not ready."

"But Mr. Miyagi... I've seen him train. Don't you think he's ready for this?"

"No. Miyagi pressure point very dangerous. Swift. Can kill. Daniel-San is not ready for that knowledge."

You scoffed. "But I am?"


Shaking your head in dismay, you took another step backward. "Why me and not him?"

"I'm afraid you don't understand concept of balance. You are rooted like tree. Daniel-San has many branches going every which way. You had many similar qualities, but overcame. Your roots found good soil and settled. Daniel-San is still looking for right soul. Until time comes, Daniel-San not ready for this technique."

Gulping, you stood a little taller. He continued to stare at you, no, through you.

"What made me find this... good soil?"

Mr. Miyagi grinned wider then before.


You blinked rapidly and couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Johnny-San?"

"Hai. He's friend now."

You scoffed, maneuvering your foot in the sand. "You really think he helped me find my balance."

"I don't think. I know."

Your breath was shaky as you inhaled and slowly released an exhale.

"Alright," you stayed rooted like a tree, "teach me."

"Now," he cut you off sharply, "you can only use in situation of need. No surprises."

"No surprises." You agreed with the bobbing of your head up and down.

He nodded his head before bowing to you.

You did the same.

"Let's begin."

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