Roots Like A Tree

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Before you had even comprehended it, your second day of school had come and gone. You were still hesitant around Tommy, Bobby, and Jimmy during first period, but you definitely had more respect for them. When you learned they hadn't told Johnny your name, they instantly gained some of your trust. You would definitely use this as leverage if you ever needed it.

Johnny barely spoke in English class. You occasionally found yourself looking over to him, expecting annoying comments to spew from his mouth.

But they never came.

You felt guilty for wishing he would perk up a bit. After all, he walked into class immediately after the teacher called your name for attendance. If he had walked through the door three seconds prior, he certainly would have heard it. Maybe then he would stop nagging you about it. But instead, he missed your name again, and you wanted nothing more then to rub it in his face. You had wanted him to nag you for this very reason: the upper hand. But when he barely spared you a glance, it was impossible.

During History class, the teacher assigned the first project. She was generous enough to let you all pick your own partners. Not knowing anybody else in the class, you gladly teamed up with Daniel.

The two of you agreed to meet at his house after school. But first, you needed to let your mother know your whereabouts. Skating to the record shop, you saw a few cars sitting in the parking lot. Perfect! We are getting some business!

You walked in, and saw your happy mother recommending certain genres of music to the clientele. When she caught your eye, she grinned wildly, clearly hyped up on adrenaline.

"Oh sweetheart, we are doing great I tell you! Grandpa would be so proud."

You smiled, but felt it fade almost immediately. "That's awesome ma, I really wish I could stay to help out tonight but I gotta go to a friend's place. We have a project to work on for History class."

You expected her to be weary, but instead she smiled even bigger. "Go right ahead, hon! School always comes first."

"Thank you, mom." You leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. With your skates still on, you were so much taller then her.

"Are you sure you can handle all these customers on your own?" You asked again.

"If grandpa did it every day, I'm sure I can handle it," she winked, "go have fun!"
You held Daniel's address on a crinkled piece of paper as you skated through Reseda. You looked back and forth between the paper and the street signs multiple times, almost giving yourself whiplash. You were going in the right direction, that you were sure of.

Because to your left was the Cobra Kai dojo.

Although you were on the other side of the street, you could hear the familiar boys outside chattering before heading inside. One aggravating voice stuck out above the others.

"I tried talking to her, Dutch!"

"You can't take no for an answer, Johnny. I say you should've barged right in there and demanded her attention! No mercy!"

"I did that! She kicked me out, man. I waited outside for about three hours until little miss princess came out and said Ali didn't want to talk."

You shivered. Even from the other side of the street, you could hear the pure spite in his voice.

"Don't let it get you down," Tommy clasped a hand on Johnny's shoulder. "I'm sure you'll get the chance eventually."

"Tommy's right," Bobby chimed in, "but right now we have to go into practice. The All Valley is only a few months away and you know how Sensei will get if you're late again."

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