Run For Your Undead Life

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Your worries about the night faded away when you heard the music blaring from inside. The four of you practically ran through the doors to get into the dance.

A sea of costumes orchestrated throughout the establishment. All of the hard work the committee had put in to get this all together was well worth it. Balloons, decorative props, and banners hung from obscure places. Large spiders and ghosts hung decoratively from the ceilings. Orange sheets hung behind the stage, the divine setting for a perfectly spooky night.

As the band played up on stage, you and the girls scoured the premises for classmates to hang with. Of course, while examining the room, your eyes landed on a group of boys decked out in skeleton costumes. Even though their faces were painted, you knew exactly who they were.

And although you were beyond angry with them still, you had to make them believe you were all cool. You planned on striking back soon, preferably tonight.

But when the boys approached you, it was hard to keep your composure.

Dutch whistled. Tommy grabbed your hand and made you do a twirl. Bobby applauded. Jimmy smiled.

Johnny stood there in awe.

You smiled as the boys complimented your costume. Although they had no idea who you were supposed to be, they thought you looked great anyway.

Being the popular undead skeletons they were, the Cobras continued to make their rounds throughout the crowd. Only Johnny stayed behind, his eyes still admiring your dress.

He smirked. "Hey, Baby."

Your eyes widened and it took everything in you not to blow your cover and slap him across the face. "I am not your baby."

"Oh," he laughed with a sly grin, "I was talking about the costume but I love that your mind goes in that direction."

You raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. But when his smirk grew wider, your face fell.

Baby. From Dirty Dancing.

"I'm flattered," he began, "truly. You know, I'm glad you told me what your costume was yesterday or else I would've just assumed that with a get up like that, you were a princess, princess."

You silently reminded yourself that punching him in the face in the middle of the dance floor would be foolish. Instead, you played along.

"Been there, done that."

He looked over your dress one more time. Peeling your eyes from him, you searched the dance floor.

Where was Daniel?

When you turned back to Johnny, he was gone. Not questioning his disappearance, you began looking for Ali again. You caught up with the group, following their gaze out into the crowd of dancers.

"Hey there's Daniel!" Ali smiled from behind her masquerade mask.

"Where?" Susan asked sourly.

"The shower." She laughed.

You turned to Ali and laughed. "How did you know that was him?"

She pulled her mask down, her blush spreading across her cheeks quickly. "I just know."

Ali plucked a daisy from Barbara's blazer pocket. "May I?"

Before she could even respond, Ali scurried off onto the dance floor, flower in hand. Her pace was quick and determined.

Once she was out of ear shot, Barbara and Susan's demeanor changed completely.

"Don't know what she sees in him." Barbara shook her head.

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