Family Matters

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"So I was thinking... I might ask Ali out on a date."

Although you knew the two of your friends shared mutual feelings, the statement caught you by surprise. You practically dropped your paint brush back into the can, a few paint droplets splattering along the unfinished walls.

"Really?" You smiled, "awe, Daniel that's amazing!"

"You think so?"

"I know so!"

He smiled, suddenly feeling more confident. "You don't think she will find it weird or anything?"

"No! She would be more then happy to go out with you!"

Daniel's face lit up in a bright smile. Standing a little taller, he continued to paint the wall. Just then, Mr. Miyagi stepped out of the record shop and scolded him for moving the brush too fast. You had to stifle a laugh when Daniel began muttering angrily under his breath as Mr. Miyagi disappeared back into the shop.

"This is ridiculous. He's not even gonna help?This is clearly not a two person job, and especially not at this rate." Daniel snapped.

You sighed, dipping your paint brush back into the can and continuing your long strokes down the wall. "Yeah... he kind of invited himself over to help me paint and now he's not even doing that." You laughed awkwardly, trying to keep the situation light hearted.

Throwing his paint brush into the can, not so delicately, Daniel scoffed. "I mean, this is just crazy. The man is crazy. I don't know why I agreed to do this."

"Because I would be doing it on my own if you hadn't."

You got a laugh out of him. Satisfied, you turned back to the wall. Your hand was cramping up from the elongated wrist movements. Muscles on your bicep ached after such a short amount of time. Looking at the building in dismay, you realized you had only done a quarter of the first wall.

This was a nightmare.

As if things couldn't get more complicated, the sound of a horn blaring pulled your gaze out into the parking lot behind you. Your heart dropped to your toes at the sight of a 1983 cherry red Avanti convertible.

Johnny Lawrence pulled into the parking lot with a large, taunting smile on his face. He stepped out of the car and leaned an elbow on the windshield, his other hand resting on the top of the door.

His smile instantly fell at the sight of Daniel.

Of course he would show up now. This was just your luck. Rolling your eyes at the horrible timing, you stepped toward the blonde. He pulled his lethal stare off of Daniel and directed it back to you. You noticed his face softening and his small grin returning the moment your eyes met.

"Hey princess." He taunted.

Tossing you the keys, he flashed you a wink. It took everything in you not to roll your eyes in disgust. He knew he was winning the game. There was no way you could top stealing a car.

You caught the keys and pressed your lips into a thin line, dangling them in the air as you directed your attention to the pavement. "Thanks."

When you looked back up to Johnny, you noticed his eyes had landed on Daniel again. His face was a mixture of discontentment and confusion. Only hints of anger could be found, freckled in his eyes.

It took him a moment to regain his attention on you. You turned behind you for a split second, checking on Daniel. Rage was plastered on his face, he was practically fuming. The moment you looked him in the eye, he turned back to the wall with his paint brush. Turning back to Johnny, you took a tiny step forward.

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