To Say Goodbye

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You didn't know what you were going to do when you got there, but you were going regardless. This was your last chance to make things right. You had to see him.

The two of you were like magnets, constantly being flipped around. One moment, you belonged together, and the next, everything flipped and you were pushed away from each other. Well if that was how things were going to be, you wanted to belong together one last time.

As you pulled into his driveway, you found it completely empty. There was no sign of life.

Fear engulfed you for a moment. Were you too late?

You walked out of the car, slamming the door behind you. Determination propelled you forward, causing you to walk swiftly toward the door. You didn't let your mind get the best of you, talking you out of whatever it was you were about to do. Instead, you listened to your heart, raising a fist to the door.

As you pounded away, you could hear shuffling on the other side. You heard the footsteps getting closer and more urgent.

Johnny threw open the door, revealing the darkened house behind him. You wondered for a moment if maybe he was sleeping. It was the last full night sleep he would get before the tournament, and you accidentally interrupted it.

But in this moment, only the distant street light and moon above illuminated his face so gracefully.

Your name hadn't even escaped his mouth completely before you closed the distance and kissed him as if there was no tomorrow. And in an odd way, this statement remained true.

You continued to walk forward, moving the two of you into the house. You slammed the door shut behind you with your foot.

Johnny whispered in between a breath, "what are you doing here-"

"Stop talking."

You crashed your lips to his again. You could feel his muscles relaxing, his arms wrapping around you. The two of you had become so engaged in the kiss, that you didn't notice how quickly the far wall was approaching. Johnny slammed into it, forcefully causing you to break apart.

"Ow." He whispered.

You laughed quietly. "Sorry."

A wave of silence washed over the two of you, your eyes interlocking. In the darkness, you saw Johnny leaning down slowly. You met him halfway, kissing him once more. Only this time, it was more intimate.

The two of you pulled apart, and you felt Johnny's eyes looking deep into yours. You looked up at him and caught the beginning glimpse of a smile.

"Why did you come here?"

You considered his words, taking a deep breath. It shook as you released it.

"I love you."

You hadn't intended for a tear to slip out, but embarrassingly enough, it did. Johnny wiped it away with the pad of his thumb before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. He wrapped his arms around you, encasing you into one of the safest hugs you've ever had.

"So..." he whispered, "you're still coming to the tournament to cheer me on?"

You felt the pressing weight of the world on your shoulders. "Johnny, I wish I could..."

The pain in your voice was evident, and his eyebrows knit together with worry. He pulled away from the hug and reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Hey," he whispered, "talk to me."

"I can't."

"Why not?" He sounded exhausted. Of this game, and due to his interrupted sleep you presumed.

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