Get To The Point

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"Sid is going to make his bank transaction on the evening of December 19th."

Your mother paced around the living room after hanging up the phone in the kitchen. She bit her thumbnail as she went, anxiously walking back and forth in front of you.

You were laying across the couch, your eyes averted to the ceiling. Feeling completely numb, you didn't offer any feedback.

"Are you even hearing me right now?!" She shouted, "Johnny's step father is ripping away your grandfather's legacy."

"There's nothing we can do about it, ma."

"That!" She pointed her finger in your face, "that is not like you. What happened to fighting back, huh? You're just going to let him take the family business because you're dating his son?"

"That's not why I'm backing down!"

"Then why is it?!"

You stood to your feet as she shouted. She awaited your response, but nothing came. How were you supposed to tell your mother that soon, neither one of you would have memory of this moment? What was the use of fighting back when everything else was being ripped away from you as well? Of course you didn't want to have the satisfaction of Sid winning, but your heart was elsewhere. You didn't have time to focus on such small details when the fate of the timeline rested on your shoulders. Your mind was completely encircled with plans and precautions that you needed to take in order to set things right.

"You wouldn't understand!" You shouted back.

"Of course I wouldn't! I can't understand anything if you don't explain it to me! That seems to be your only excuse lately!"

"That's because it is my only excuse!"

"You're acting completely ridiculous! How could you?!"

You felt as though she had stabbed a knife in your heart, twisting it at the most painful angle. "Ma, I-"

"Get out."

Her stern demeanor made you tense up. But you didn't blame her for wanting you out of her sight. Nodding your head in a silent agreement, you began to march for the door, grabbing your skates and bag on the way out.

You heard her shouting after you, immediately regretting her statement. But you didn't bother to listen as you charged ahead. The fresh air barely hit your skin as you placed the Walkman on your head. Up above, your mother shouted from the open hallway balcony. But you couldn't hear a word she said, she was completely tuned out.

Cherry Bomb by The Runaways blasted from your head set at full volume as you headed for the street. Your hands curled into fists at your side, and you knew exactly where to go.

Once you were a far enough distance away from the apartment, you laced up your skates and headed on your way.
Mr. Miyagi was in his backyard with Daniel, going over some basic training.

With the All Valley approaching, Daniel was more focused then ever. Even though he and Johnny were on good terms now, he still had to get on the mat and fight. If he failed to show, Kreese promised to come after all three of you personally. Although, you already felt as though he had to some extent. Just to you.

Another part of you wanted to tell Daniel to give it up. What was the harm of Kreese coming after the three of you if the timeline would soon become nonexistent? But you pushed away any negative and intrusive thoughts as you watched Daniel closely.

He seemed as though he were in his element. Dare you say he looked happy by Mr. Miyagi's side. You silently wondered if in the original timeline, Mr. Miyagi may have taught Daniel from the very beginning. Their energy was so perfectly matched, so balanced, it seemed hard to believe otherwise. One thing was for sure, if your hunch was correct, time had a funny way of displaying fate and destiny. It was a no brainer that the two of them were connected. It didn't matter what timeline they were in.

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