Feel The Night

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Many times throughout the drive, you considered turning around and going home. Johnny had made the mistake of trusting you to drive behind him, yet you chose to go along with him after all. Your mother would have your head if you didn't go out and have fun tonight, because God forbid you stay home to close off your first week in Cali from your bed.

When Johnny pulled into the Golf N' Stuff parking lot, you laughed to yourself. Of course he would bring you back here.

You pulled up next to him and watched as he got out of his car. He walked over to your driver's side door and opened it.

"Are you coming or what?"

You pressed your lips into a thin line and took the key out of the ignition without looking away from him. As you scowled, he smiled.

"Atta girl."

After scrambling out of the car, you reached to shut it. Johnny pushed your hand away and did it for you. The look on your face made Johnny's sarcasm immaculately fluent.

"Pardon me for being a gentleman, ma'lady."

You crossed your arms over your chest, clicking your tongue in amusement. "Okay let's get one thing straight, this," you pointed in between the two of you rapidly, "is not a date."

"I never said it was." He grinned wickedly.

"Then stop acting like a gentleman," you recovered, "it's so not you."

"You don't know what I'm like."

"You're right, I don't. Because you're constantly changing who you are around me."

He leaned in and whispered, "because I want you to see all sides of Johnny Lawrence. It's a package deal, princess."

"It's more then a package, it's a truckload."

You were expecting him to get angry, but instead, you both started laughing. When the two of you calmed down, he nodded his head toward the door.

"Not a date." He shook his head with a grin.

"Nope. Not even close."

Suddenly, he threw a finger in the air. "And to prove its not a date," he smiled, "I'll leave five minutes before you."

He stuck out his hand, waiting for you to shake it.

"Do we have a deal?"

You looked at his hand for a moment before extending yours to meet in the middle. Not once did your eyes leave his, solidifying the deal like it was a challenge.


When you pulled your hands away from each other, you noticed Johnny flex his at his side. He cleared his throat and perked up.

"Wanna make up for what happened last night?"

"I would be happy to."
You both spotted an empty table hockey game at the same time. He leaned down to you, nudging you with his elbow.

"You play hockey?"

You laughed. "Oh well, you know... not professionally."

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