Ferris Wheel of Fortune

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You and Johnny sat in two chairs facing the Golf N' Stuff manager's desk within a small purple office. The name tag on the desk may have at one point read 'Mr. Hope,' but the p had faded with time. That, or his other visitors didn't fancy him very much.

Tongue in cheek, you shook your leg impatiently as the manager stared you both down, waiting for one of you to speak up. You and Johnny simultaneously looked at each other, rolled your eyes, and looked in the opposite direction.

The man on the other side of the desk folded his hands together and leaned forward. Letting your attention shift back to the manager, you maneuvered yourself in the chair until you faced him head on.

"Do you two understand the rules of this here establishment?" The man inquired.

"Yes, sir." You both spoke flatly.

"Good," his smile faltered, "we wouldn't want you two banned now, would we?"

You both shook your heads from side to side slowly.

Mr. Hoe's eye twitched. The fake, pearly white smile plastered on his lips was barely hiding his simmering annoyance. One wrong move, and you expected him to snap like a broken rubber band.

Before his anger could bubble over, he caught himself. "Now..." he shut his eyes tightly and took a deep breath, "who was responsible for all of this chaos?"

Both you and Johnny remained unmoving.

The manager laughed bitterly, fidgeting with his fingertips. "I'm asking politely for one of you to fess up."

Sighing, you were about to open your mouth to confess when Johnny leaned forward.

"It was me, sir. I take full blame and I can guarantee it won't happen again."

Mr. Hoe blinked rapidly, the annoyance still brewing within. "See," he scoffed exasperated, "was that so hard?"

No response.

He looked between the two of you, narrowing his eyes. "I'm letting you both off with a warning. The next time it happens, you'll be removed from the premises. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, now get out of my office."
You had changed back into your shoes and marched out of the building before anyone could catch up with you. Wanting nothing more then to disappear, you considered walking home that instant.

That was, until you saw the Ferris wheel.

It was the perfect place to cool off. To be all alone up there, closer to the stars, closer to dad and grandpa. You knew it was the best place to hide out and let your worries fade away. If only for a moment...

You approached it without a second thought. The line was nonexistent, so you stepped up to the capsule and the worker helped you climb inside immediately.

Suddenly, the sound of your name echoed through the night.

Johnny Lawrence was running after you. He bolted up the stairs, sliding in the seat next to you before the ride monitor pulled the bar across your lap.

"Thank you, ma'am," he sent the woman a wink, "I really appreciate it."

You scoffed. Of course he would be flirting with the employees.

The ride began to move, and you found yourself crossing your arms across your chest. "What do you want?"

He sighed, "I've come to find out you say that to me a lot."

"Ever consider that maybe it's because you won't leave me alone? Stay out of my business."

"Yeah," he laughed silently, "this conversation feels very familiar."

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