Track 11: Just a Cloud Away

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By the following weeks, I was in much better spirits. I knew I wasn't over Ethan completely. If he came over today, with a huge romantic gesture, I would live happily ever after with him. Hell, who am I kidding? He could send me a text saying he wanted to be with me, and I'd happily agree. The difference between now and when I was feeling like shit was that I no longer berated myself for being upset. Like Rocky suggested, I wallowed and now I was focusing on feeling better every day. I honestly felt like with time, I would be ok and over Ethan.

I explained this to Jordan at work when she took me on an early lunch and asked me how I was doing on. She offered to set me up when I was ready. I told her I would keep that in mind. While I was at my lunch, I checked out the text Jake sent me. We had been texting back and forth since our shopping adventure with Brandon and Rocky. When I got home from the mall, I saw I had a text from an unknown number.

It read: Let me know when you're ready to see my gun.

I laughed and replied.

Me: No thanks, I'll just ask Sammy about it.

After I sent the text, I saved Jake's number. This morning, I sent him security guard memes I found online. He texted me back immediately.

Jake: What did you score on your MCAT?

When I texted him I didn't take the MCAT, he send back a link that listed all the subjects you can get a doctorate degree in.

Jake: So all of y'all are doctors?

Me: Shut. Up.

Not gonna lie, texting him made me forget everything for a while. The one thing I really like about Jake is that I was completely not attracted to him. Yes, he is hot and has a great sense of humor: A dangerous combination to me. But he's "hanging out" with Sammy and he's a man whore who knows how attractive he is and flaunts his conquests. I could never be with a guy like that, so it was harmless to text him. He was completely safe to me and exactly what I needed to distract me from Ethan: Good friends. I considered Jordan and Jake both great new friends.

I had a missed call from Trevor as I drove home from work, so I called him back. He asked if he could drop by because he had a gift for me. I agreed, of course. Once I got home, I hopped in the shower. Afterwards, I got dressed in joggers and a tank top. When I entered my room, Trevor is already on my bed waiting for me (we have a keyless lock on the front door and Trevor knows the code.)

"Gimme gimme gimme!" I said, hopping on the bed next to him.

"So greedy." Trevor smiled at me, handing over a bag.

I reached in the bag and pulled out the Game of Thrones box set. I looked up at Trevor, confused.

"You're late, but you can jump on the Game of Thrones bandwagon. There's prequels and books, so there no 'end of an era' in sight." Trevor explained.

I smiled at him and gave him a hug. "Thanks T-rev."

"No problem." He said, hugging me back. When I pulled away, he kept an arm around me. "Besides, if this keeps you from being a mean girl, throwing glasses around, and crying, I think it's worth it." He teased me.

I grinned. "I told you I was PMSing."

"I've seen you PMSing. That's chocolate, salty food, and being lazy. This was not PMS."

I smiled, sadly. I might as well tell him. He'd figure it out eventually.

"Ethan is dating someone else. That's why I've been so out of it." I admitted to Trevor.

Trevor was quiet for a moment before he rubbed my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Lilypad. Do you wanna talk about it?"

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