Track 14: Dirrty

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Saturday was the day of the mud run so I woke up on time to get dressed in my "mud run" appropriate outfit. Forrest's instructions included no cotton, double layers, and shoes we don't mind washing or tossing. I was wearing black spandex shorts underneath black nylon running tights with a lime green training tank. The wide arm holes exposed my black sports bra. I pulled my hair into a low side ponytail and completely skip on make-up. Really, there was no point. I packed a bag with a change of clothes before I left for Rocky's house.

Rocky wasn't going to participate, but Brandon, Jake and Jasmine were. Trevor wanted to, but he already made plans to meet Becca's friends. Or from the way he told it, Becca made plans and he couldn't get out of them. Ah, the joys of being in a relationship. I teased him and told him when he wasn't pussy whipped or when Becca gave him permission to call me.

We agreed to meet at Rocky's place because Brandon volunteered to drive. I arrived first and went ahead and threw my bag in his Explorer. I was happy to see Brandon followed my clothing instructions. He wore a short sleeved Under Armour shirt with a tank, shorts and running pants. When Jasmine and Jake showed up, only Jasmine was dressed appropriately. Her purple camouflage workout tank with matching pants looked sporty and cute. Her hair was braided back in two French braids. Jake was wearing basketball shorts and a cotton t-shirt.

"Jake, cotton is going to absorb all the moisture and mud and you need double layers so you don't have to strip down to your underwear for the shower." I repeated what Forrest told me.

Jake pulled down his basketball shorts to reveal another pair.

"If it's ok with you, I was going to run shirtless." He answered.

"Whatever floats your boat." I shrugged.

"Whatever rocks yours." He countered.

Jasmine laughed. "Alright children. Settle it on the obstacle course. Let's go!!!"

We said goodbye to Rocky and hit the road. The drive to Fort Worth was a long one. The boys talked about the recent trades of basketball players in the NBA.

"Are you a Dallas Maverick fan?" Jake asked me.

"I feel like I have to be now that the Lakers are so disappointing." I answered. "I like players more than teams. And I hate Miami Heat."

"I hear you on that. Love the city though. Remember when we went down there?" Brandon asked Jake.

"Oh yeah. The beaches were nice." Jake replied.

"There were beaches? I only remember the women. Is that where you met that freaky Cuban chick?" Brandon chuckled.

"Aye.. chill out with all that." Jake said, nodding towards me and Jasmine in the backseat.

"Oh, please! No point in trying to hide it from me. I've had the misfortune of having to deal with the freaks you associate with." Jasmine exclaimed.

"We're in mixed company...." Jake said, referring to me.

"I would love nothing more than to hear about the freaks." I smiled.

"Go talk to your roommate then." Jake replied.

As they laughed, I reached to the front seat and tugged Jake on the ear twice.

"Be nice!"

"Ouch. Ok. Chill" He groaned.

We talked about old trips they went on and where they wanted to go next. Jake's birthday was coming up in October, so they were planning another trip.

"How old are you going to be?" I asked.

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