Track 13: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

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"Lily wait..." Ethan pleaded with me.

I stopped walking, but kept my back to him. I had no idea why he was at Rocky's house. Nor why neither one of them warned me he was coming over. He was just there, in the living room. When I saw him as I left my room, I immediately turned around to flee, but I wasn't quick enough.

"What is it?" I said, trying to keep my voice even so it wouldn't betray how much it hurt to see him.

I felt him approaching me from behind. "What do I need to do to prove to you that I'm sorry?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

A shiver ran down my spine. "Nothing..." I said, pushing him away. "I get it. You're sorry. Lets just move on."

"No." Ethan replied, turning me around to face him. "Baby, I'll never move on from you." He said, tilting his head down so his forehead brushed mine. My knees buckled. "I would never pick her over you. I couldn't pick anyone over you. All I want is you."

He didn't give me a chance to respond. He just pressed his mouth to mine in a passionate embrace. He held me tightly in his arms. When I pulled away, he just moved his mouth to my neck.

"Please. We belong together. I see that now. I'll do anything to have you back. I won't let anyone come between us again baby." Ethan murmured between kisses.

When I allowed him to kiss me again, he picked me up and carried me to my room. He laid me on the bed and started peeling off my clothes. I followed his lead and removed his clothes too. When we were both naked, he laid his lean body on top of me. He grinded into me, inches away from giving me what I so desperately wanted...

"Ring Ring Ring!!!"

The bell of my alarm on my phone woke me up and out of my dream. My body was flushed with heat and arousal. I kicked my covers off the couch, but the cool air from the ceiling fan in Sammy's apartment was not helping.

Fuck. This is what I get. All day at work, I debated over whether I should text Ethan back. I came over Sammy's apartment after work to help her finish packing and assessed what we still needed to buy. Before I went to bed, I decided not to text Ethan. I didn't have anything to say to him. Unfortunately, he was on my mind before I forced myself to sleep. I didn't have time to analyze my sex dream with Ethan. I had to get Sammy up so she could get ready for the movers and I could be at the apartment when our new furniture arrived.

At the townhouse, the furniture is delivered right on time. I decided to wait to put my bed together until Sammy could help. Sammy and the movers showed up around 2 and they unloaded everything into the apartment. Sammy had to leave once they were done to clean her apartment. I got to work separating and setting things up. That's what Rocky found me doing when she came over.

"Where's Sammy?" She asked, ready to work on joggers, a tank top and bandana tying down her hair.

"Cleaning her apartment." I answered, pushing the red living room set around. Since I already had the boxes out of the living area, I figured I could see where everything looked best.

"She couldn't do that later?" Rocky asked, looking around the apartment.

"I don't know. I was too busy trying to organize boxes. I guess I could call and ask, but I have to get my bed set up and buy freaking kitchen stuff if I wanna actually live in my apartment!" I exclaimed, exhausted.

Rocky chuckled and shook her head.

"Come on. You need a break. Lets go shopping and get you situated. Brandon is at work so we can use his discount. Leave some stuff for Sammy to do. We'll put the bed together when we get back." Rocky ordered.

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