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  Jung kook had tried everything he could think of to remove his neighbour but to no avail.He didn't know why the man was being so obstinate.
It was night, he was sitting in the darkness on his balcony, he could hear the sea, then suddenly some haunting music came from next door, he looked over his room had a decent view of the property next door he wondered what the music was.
  The light in the patio area next door came on and he saw the small male step out of the house, much as he annoyed him he couldn't help feeling the little thrill that ran through his body at the sight he was seeing. The boy started stretching his lithe figure clothed in loose trousers and t shirt his feet bare. He stood up fanning his face as it was a humid evening, he  saw the boy make a decision  when looking around him to check he was alone he tossed his t shirt off and his trousers standing in form fitting boxers Jungkook gulped he had the most beautiful view, he could see the male  but the other couldn't see him.The boys toned abs and slim figure were like the statues people admired in museums everything defined including what looked like an amazing arse.
The boy suddenly started moving to the music, his dance enthralling every movement making you want to see more.
Jungkook could feel his dick twitch, he fidgeted in his seat eyes trained on the other . He literally was a work of art he thought, his creative side thinking how Jimin would look in a painting.
The music stopped and he saw Jimin grab a nearby bottle of water tipping his head back to drink before tipping the rest over his hot body. Jungkook could hear the other giggle to himself the sound making Jungkook smile before remembering he wanted this boy out.
  Another song came on, this time the boy sang to it as well as danced, proving he wasn't just a pretty face. At the end the boy bent over clasping his knees hot and tired from the exertion.
The boy picked up his clothes and went back inside closing the patio doors. Minutes later Jungkook saw the glow of light in an upstairs window but too far away for him to see much but his imagination worked overtime, was the boy showering, cleaning every delectable inch of his body.
  Jungkook stood and went into his bathroom stripping of his clothes and leaving them on the floor. Turning the shower on he lathered the soap on his hand before  massaging his erect member, images of the small dancing boy in his head. Soon moans filled the room and he came suddenly, his gasping breath and shaking legs showing how much of a turn his neighbour was.
Cleaning himself up he dried himself off and went into his bedroom slipping naked between cool sheets and closing his eyes falling into a deep sleep filled with haunting music and a dancing boy.

The alarm going off woke Jimin up from the short sleep he had managed . He wished that just for one night he could sleep for more than two hours.
He got up tiredly washing his face and cleaning his teeth, then picking an apple up for his breakfast  he picked up his rucksack  and left for work.
He walked down the long single road eventually getting to a bus stop, five minutes before the bus came, getting on it he saw a black car drive from the single road heading to the town, his neighbour.....handsome but a bit of a pain in the arse!
Getting to town Jimin hopped off the bus walking towards the coffee shop, walking in he gave a wave to the owner,Jin and put his bag away taking an apron from the hook and putting it on he went out asking Jin if he  needed help wiping tables but the other smilingly said no , making Jimin head to the counter in time for a customer to walk in,"Good morning how can I....." his voice tailed off when looking up at the customer he saw it was none other than his neighbour.
Jungkoo raised a brow as the boy stopped talking,"how can you?" He asked.
"Er sorry, what would you like,"
You ,was the thought that came into Jungkooks head but he cleared his throat and said," a caramel macchiato and toasted ham and cheese sandwich please."
"Certainly sir, take a seat and I'll bring it over ."
Jungkook sat down took out an iPad and caught up on his emails, by the time his breakfast came he was immersed deeply in replying to his agents query on a painting that he gestured with his hand to jimin to put the stuff next to him and not even looking up at him.
Three quarters of an hour later the male shut down his iPad and glanced at the empty plate and cup next to him as if surprised they were empty. Jimin came and collected the used crockery about to leave when Jungkook asked for another coffee," black this time, I need to stay awake your music kept me awake last night!" He lied.
"Oh I'm really sorry, I've got so used to your house being empty I forgot sound travels louder at night, I -I'll not do it again," he said quietly turning to go fetch the coffee.
Jungkook realised if that happened he probably had no chance of seeing this boy dance near naked again so he said," no ignore me I just had something on my mind, I quite liked the music and it wasn't that loud,"
Jimin looked back at the male astonished that he'd nearly apologised he started grinning and going to get the coffee..
Jungkook stayed sipping his refill, watching the small boys interaction with customers, always a beaming smile sometimes a charming giggle , it made him smile too until he saw a taller male working there come behind the boy and hug him close  saying something that made the small boy smile and shake his head. It made Jungkook angry for some reason and he got up quickly and left.
  Jimin had been serving when Jin came over and hugged him," I'm thinking of bottling your smile and selling it,the customers all leave here happy,"
"No hyung, it's your great coffee and food they've
Come for!"
He saw his neighbour stand quickly and leave, well goodbye to you then, he thought ! Going over to pick up the used cup and then returning to the counter to fulfil more orders his job keeping him busy for the rest of his day.

The man next doorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora