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Jimin woke up, looking around he saw he was in a hospital .Sitting up quickly  he made to get out of bed.
"Hey,where do you think your going?" Jungkooks voice came to him.
"Um, why am I here, nothings wrong with me?"
"You passed out after the attack , you got slashed on the arm so they had to dress it, you have a bruise on your face it looks like someone slapped you and apparently one on your stomach!but as long as your ok," a frustrated Jungkook said, then realising he sounded harsh he apologised," I'm sorry,it just makes me mad what they did to you and I could hear it on your phone,oh that's here and your stuff from the bus."
"Thank you for caring," Jimin said hesitatingly.
Jungkook looked at the small boy, then stood up and hugged him relief he was safe making him tighten the hug.
"Ouch," came a muffled voice as Jimins face was against Jungkooks chest but his cut arm was being squashed.
"Omg I'm sorry,!"
"It's ok," Jimin smiled at him,"that's what happens when I try to save myself,"he giggled,"where was my knight in shining amour who always rescues me," he joked.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there Jimin," Jungkook said seriously.
"Jungkook, I was joking with you,"
"Well I'm glad you can joke I was scared stiff," he told him.
Just then Jin and Namjoon came in.
"My baby!!" Jin cried running to the boy.
Jimin went red,"hey I'm not a baby, and I'm ok."
"I saw them just as they got on ,I tried to warn you,Jungkook and I were so worried."
"Thank you,all of you,"
"Hey Jimin,glad to see your safe, those two thugs will not be allowed out for a long time, all the evidence we have will keep them inside for many years,also they are wanted in other areas for rape,assault and threatening behaviour ,so you don't need to worry anymore "Namjoon said.
A doctor bustled in," well young man you were very lucky, you have dissolvable stitches in your arm so keep that area dry for a couple of days,the bruises will heal,I took photographs for the police. I did notice that you seem a bit underweight I advise you to eat healthily it will aid recovery, I will discharge you,I hope your recovery is quick," he nodded to Jimin and left.
"Great let's get out of here," Jimin said.
"I'll take you home," Jungkook said,Jimin stared at him then nodded.
After saying goodbye to the others Jungkook drove Jimin home, they stopped at Jimins door Jungkook opened the car door to let Jimin out, carrying Jimins stuff to the door,as Jimin opened his house door something creaked making him jump badly and step back, panic on his face," s-sorry,it's a normal house noise I don't know why I'm so jumpy." He leaned forward as if checking it was ok to go in," that's it said Jungkook," your staying at mine, your nerves are shot, let me get you some clothes."
Jimin didn't argue just grabbed the back of Jungkooks jumper,"don't leave me alone,"
Jungkook turned to the small male, holding onto his hand he pulled him with him into the house quickly going upstairs to grab some stuff, noticing Jimins eyes going frantically around,
"Come on back to mine"
"I'm sorry I'm really sorry," Jimin muttered tearfully.
"Jimin you've had a shock," he hugged the boy before putting him in the car to go the short distance to his house.
Once inside he could see Jimin relax, "I'll make some tea before I set up the spare room across from mine ok?"
"I can make the tea,"
"Ok I won't be long, you ok?"
"Yes I feel safe here,"Jimin admitted innocently, making Jungkook smile.
He took Jimins things to the room opposite his placing the clothes they had picked up in the wardrobe and making sure there was everything Jimin may need in the bathroom. After making up the bed he made his way down to see jimin pouring tea into the cups.
"Right then let's sit down for a bit then I'll make some food."
  Jimin sat down staring into space, rethinking what had gone on the sound of his phone startling him
"Hi Yoongi....,no everything's fine,....well Jins exaggerating....,no need, no I'm staying at Jungkooks....,er because um, it just feels better,ok , no I'm sure, love you too,"
He put the phone down seeing Jungkook stare at him," just Yoongi, Jin told him what happened and he wanted to come over, I told him everything was ok."
"And you love him?"
"Oh we say it to each other all the time since I told him he's not very demonstrative with anyone he started saying that so I say it back."
"Hmmmm, Jimin why do you pass of what happened to you, you tell everyone your ok when I know your not."
"I don't want anyone to worry about me.....and it makes it too real if I told them how scared I was when I saw them in the bus, but I did try to stick up for myself I wasn't going to let them win, but now the adrenaline rush has gone I just keep thinking, what if.....,im sorry I shouldn't bore you with this,@ he said hanging his head in embarrassment .
Jungkook came and sat next to him lifting his chin before gently kissing him," you were very brave baby," he said and kissed him again.
"Right now let's get some food in you,"
He cooked some food,Jimin amazed at how much he put out, but after Jungkook insisted that he ate up because the doctor said he was too thin, he worked through as much as he could before holding his hands up saying he was full.
They both cleared up the dishes before sitting down in front of the tv to watch a comedy Jungkook put on.
"Im sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"Treating you as just another hook up."
Jimin looked at the boy before looking down," I shouldn't have expected more, I'm new to this game, I suppose I had thoughts in my head about how things would be, to be honest I felt like a protitute you used,I felt worthless, of course I didn't realise that's what hook ups are aren't they, maybe if I had more experience I'd know how these things go, so next time someone wants to have sex with me I'll be cool about it and not make a fuss, you didn't need that."
Jungkook stared at the boy, completely surprised that he was taking on the blame himself and hurt that he had made Jimins first time a regretful experience."
" jimin it's not your fault it's mine, I've become too jaded with the world, I forget innocence exists, it should have been a good experience and I made it bad I regret that, but I don't regret having sex with you and believe me when I say I want it again,I like you more than a friend Jimin, I want us to be together but at your pace, that's why I put you in the spare room, I don't want you to feel pressured, but let me assure you,I most definitely want you!!"
Jimin was speechless for a while then a dazzling smile came on his face," you like me?"
Jungkook smiled back," yes Jimin....very much."

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