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Jimin woke up curled against Jungkook, he grinned, he had a boyfriend who would have thought, he wondered what it would be like living with Jungkook, he would probably want to stay in his house as it had a studio. Maybe Jimin could rent out his place? His thoughts were interrupted by Jungkook moving in his sleep, Jimin carefully sat up his lower body sore, he looked at his wrist although bruised it was a lot less painful, He slid to the edge of the bed wincing as he stood up, he made his way to the bathroom doing his necessities then showering after rinsing off letting the powerful spray hit his lower back, closing his eyes in bliss as it soaked away the ache. His reverie was stopped when two hands pulled him forward and a mouth plunged into the depths of his.
"Morning," a husky sleep filled voice came.
"Hi,"Jimin said shyly.
"You ok?"
"Mmm hmmm, look even my wrist feels better,"
Jungkook stared down at the boy," ok, we'll just spend today here and you can go back tomorrow ,"
Jimin stared in surprise at the boy," your letting me go tomorrow ?"
"Not much point staying here if your feeling better,"
Jimins heart stuttered, this wasn't how he imagined things were going to be.
He put on a fake smile," what did Rose have to say?"
"She was mad that I wanted to hook up with you and not her, she's getting too possessive she knows I don't do relationships."
"Yer,right," Jimin said quietly," Erm I'll go get dressed start breakfast," he went to leave but Jungkook admiring the boys jibooty, suddenly lifted the boy up making his legs go around his hips, he kissed the boy until he was moaning, his fingers slipping into Jimins hole before he lifted him up slightly then brought him down on his cock pushing his back to the shower wall as he rammed into him,"I just have to have this tight hole, fuck Jimin I'm cumming," he exploded into the boy , his tightness milking everything from him. Pulling out he made jimin lean against his chest as he used his hand to pump the smaller boys organ, bringing him relief in minutes as his cum squirted against the shower wall.
"I don't know why you make me so horny ," Jungkook said as he rinsed cum off the walls before lathering soap on them both and rinsing them off. Jimin quietly smiled before leaving Jungkook in the shower and making his way into the bedroom to get dressed. His mind was working overtime, he dressed folding the rest of his clothes up he carried them downstairs to take back, he already knew in his mind he would leave today not tomorrow , he knew he wouldn't be able to act ok for very much longer. What a stupid fool he was, why did he think Jungkook wanted something permanent ? Well he knew now didn't he, he was now officially one of Jungkooks hook ups, he felt like an unpaid hooker, but knew it was his own fault.
He made breakfast, keeping that fake smile on his face, telling Jungkook he would clear up and that he could  go to his studio.
Jungkook nodded happy that he could get on , the project he was working on was going to be one of his better ones, he was going to submit it into an art show in a months time, not decided on the name  yet but sure it would look good amongst other artists displaying.
He went off to his studio. Jimin cleared up and tidied around, then finding pen and paper he left a note;
Dear Kookie
I thought it best to leave today, it's mostly healed and I'm sure you want your home back, thanks for an eventful few days

Picking up his clothes and stuff he looked around assuring himself it was clean and tidy, he slipped out the door walked over to his place and let himself cry for what could have been, and that's how he stayed, not eating  all day, not turning on any lights so people would think  he was out.

Jungkook had come out of his  studio then went and washed up from there he searched out Jimin and found the note.
He at once thought he would fetch Jimin back but stopped himself. If Jimin was nearly healed then everything was back to normal right, Jimin knew he wasn't a relationship guy so he must know it was just a casual thing right? He didn't know why but this didn't sit right with him.

Two days had passed and Jimin went back to work, his eyes had shadows underneath and he wasn't his usual happy self. Jin watched the boy concern on his face. Customers came in and he saw it was Namjoon and Jungkook, he gestured them to sit down and he would fetch their drinks, " hey Jimin, do you want to have a break chat with Jungkook?"
"No I'm fine, just want to keep busy," he turned away taking cups to be washed," hey I told you not to carry loaded trays," he shouted after the boy.
Jin took the coffees to the two males smiling at Namjoon and getting a pat in the hand before he walked off .
"You and Jin?" Jungkook raised a brow .
"Yes, we find we get in well ,I've spent most nights at his."
"Really, but it's not a thing is it, your just friends with benefits right ?"
"Don't be silly, Kook, that's just your thing, your too scared to commit so string people along,"
"I'm not scared! Why settle down with one person?"
"Why not?"
"Because......, it would get boring right?"
"No if you found the right person you would want to spend all your time with them , you wouldn't like it if they weren't there."
"It seems old fashioned,"
"As I said your scared of commitment , just imagine if for example you did find that one person and they went off like you do to casually have sex, like you do, you would soon know what I'm talking about, but I suppose the only good thing you do is tell people before you hook up that it's not going to lead anywhere!"
"Of course I tell them......" he suddenly went quiet, well not everyone he thought, with Jimin he had just assumed, but he was ok with that wasn't he. He must admit he had missed the small boy around. He glanced behind the counter and saw Jimin stacking cups, he thought the boy looked tired and pale, was his hand hurting?
Jimin looked up feeling eyes on him, jungkook smiled at him but he glanced away avoiding eye contact, making the other irritated, what was up?
A delivery boy came in and went to the counter, " is there someone called cutie pie that works here?" Jin and Jimin stared at each other shrugging their shoulders, then Jimin said," wait those thugs called me that, why do you want to know he asked the boy?"
"I was told to give you this," he handed over a letter Jimin opened it Jin looking over his shoulder,
     Roses are red
Violets are blue
It won't be much longer
Til we get to wreck you

See you soon cutie pie
Jimin looked around in fear while Jin gasped, Jimin felt physically sick at the note and rushed off to the toilet , Jin stared after him then ran to Namjoon.
"Joonie what can I do your a lawyer, those thugs have threatened Jimin, "he showed him the note ,Jungkook reading it as well.
"Don't worry Jin I'll call the police they can interview the delivery guy to get an id on the ones who gave it to him, you have cameras installed here so They can see footage."
"I still have the footage of the day Jimin was assaulted, those men will be in it?"
"Good job Jin, they will want to see that,where's Jimin?"
"Throwing up, he gets nervous easily,"
Jungkook stood up making his way to the counter waiting until the small boy came back," you ok Jimin?"
The boy nodded.
" why don't you stay at mine until they are found."
" no need you don't need me messing up your life anymore."
"But Jimin we are......."
"We are what Jungkook?? 2 people who fucked one night isn't that right, that's all it is to you isn't it?" Jimin asked.
Jungkook could see the hurt in the boys eyes and knew he'd been horribly wrong .
" I'm sorry Jimin, I thought you knew I didn't do relationships,"
" I  do now, thanks for teaching me that valuable lesson in life."
He turned to serve a customer totally ignoring Jungkook for the rest of his stay there.

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