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The morning came quickly, much to Jisung's dismay. He hadn't dreamed of the man, and he was upset. Why did he show up once and then just disappear?

He needed to take a breather and clear his mind. So Jisung headed over to his balcony, pushing the door open and letting himself be consumed by the nature around him. He found himself less stressed in the wetlands than when he was in the city. It was a nice change—something he could get used to.

He didn't stay out for too long. He wanted to go back to the mansion and hopefully draw again, as well as spend time with Changbin and Yongbok. Jisung took a much-needed shower, changed into casual attire—a graphic black and white tee and a pair of camo cargo pants—and grabbed his supplies.

He needed to be quick if he wanted to catch up with Changbin and Yongbok. Changbin argued that if he wanted to come along, he had to get up early because the fish were early risers, or some bullshit like that.

Setsu was in the front garden, pinning up laundry to the drying rack. Jisung scampered down the steps of the porch, letting her know that he was leaving.

"I'm going out." He had already begun to walk away, used to his aunt's casual demeanor. However, today was different.

"Wait, Jisung-kun."

He stopped in his tracks, turning back around to face her.


"I have a little errand, so hold on."

Jisung bit the inside of his cheek, frowning as he muttered a small "Okay." So much for his plans. Setsu was wonderful, really, but Jisung preferred spending time with people his age. Changbin sure would have a riot out of this one; he just hoped he wouldn't badmouth him to Yongbok.

Setsu walked in front of him. In her arms was a straw basket full of lanterns, all different colors. There were red ones, blue ones, and green ones. He wondered what they were for.

She also made Jisung carry a bag; inside, there were more lanterns. It was a struggle carrying his supplies and the bag. Setsu told him he should leave his things at home, but Jisung insisted he'd bring them along. As soon as he delivered these together with her, he'd be off to the dock.

"Honestly, he should be delivering these himself."

Jisung nodded in agreement. Thanks to Kiyomasa's laziness, he was the one who had to suffer.

"'I'm allergic to that lady,' he says!"

Jisung scoffed. Allergic, my ass.

Setsu slowed down so that she and Josung could walk side by side. "But Kadoya-san's been wanting to meet you, Jisung-kun."


"She has a son, Jeongin-kun, who's a year younger than you."

Jisung wasn't all that interested. He had two friends now, and another would just be too much for him to handle. He didn't say much; he just continued listening to her speak.

"Jeongin is at cram school today." Kadoya-san explained when Setsu asked for him.

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