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Jisung sat on the grass, staring up at the starry night sky. His knees were pressed to his chest, his chin resting on his forearms, which wrapped around his legs. It was a bit chilly outside, but Minho had told him it'd be temporary, and soon enough he'd bring him inside.

He was hidden out of view, just in case drunk partygoers stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. Despite it being summer, the nights at the marsh were rather cold.

Minho had left him nearly half an hour ago, claiming he needed to get ready for the party. Jisung felt a bit silly in his clothes; he hadn't expected to be going to a rich family party, and he felt exposed. He secretly hoped Minho would bring him something more suitable to wear, but he doubted the blonde had anything that would fit Jisung. Since Minho was a bit broader than him, he'd make even more of a fool of himself if he chose to wear Minho's clothes.

From where he was situated in the grass, Jisung had a pretty clear view of one of the windows showcasing the back door, where all the coats were stored. He watched as maids frantically paced back and forth, checking in new bags and fur coats that probably cost more than everything Jisung owned combined.

He couldn't wait to see the interior of the mansion in all its glory. All he had to do was wait for Minho to return.

He'll be back soon.

Minho had given him something before he'd disappeared inside. It was a small basket, similar to the one he'd brought to the picnic, except without a lid. Inside was an array of flower petals, ranging from roses to rhododendrons. They were beautiful, but Jisung knew they weren't for him. It was all part of the elaborate plan Minho had devised, telling Jisung that it would help him blend in more.

Suddenly he heard footsteps, which immediately brought him on high alert.

Was it a guest who'd stumbled outside?

Jisung sucked in a quick breath, crossing his fingers and begging to not be caught.

"Sorry, did you wait long? I had trouble getting away." Minho apologized, kneeling down so he was at eye level with Jisung.

He quickly relaxed once he realized it was Minho.

About time he showed up.

Minho looked more dashing than normal. His usual casual attire was swapped for something more classic. He was wearing the same button-down as before, only this time he had a fitted black waistcoat over it paired with a patching black pant. Jisung had never seen a man pull off a tie so well; Minho's was wine colored. His hair was styled, revealing his forehead, which he'd kept mostly hidden by his bangs. On his left wrist was an expensive-looking watch, and a dark silk handkerchief was stuffed into his breast pocket.

He looked so hot, all dressed up, that Jisung could feel his hands itching to pull the man closer.

"M-minho." He hadn't meant to stutter, of course, but it happened naturally when he was nervous.

Can he tell that I'm nervous whenever he's around?

"What do you think?" Minho asked, loosening his tie a bit.

Jisung gulped.

Fuck me.

He settled on saying something more appropriate.

When Minho Was There • MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now