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"Minho absolutely adored that mansion." Hyunjin nodded his head towards the marsh mansion. They could see the construction workers hammering, nailing, and spraying the walls with a fresh coat of blue paint. It would never be the same again; all traces of Minho would be erased.

Jisung wished he could return to his childhood and get one last glimpse of Minho, curled up in his armchair reading his stupid English literature books.

Gosh, I miss him so much.

"He loved seeing the marsh from his window." Hyunjin smiled softly. Jisung could tell Minho also meant a lot to Hyunjin, and although he'd never met Hyunjin while he lived with Minho, he was sure the boy was a great friend.

"He said it felt like the birds spoke to him."

Jisung let out a small laugh. Minho certainly had a way with words.

Seungmin squeezed his shoulder from behind, and, in all honesty, it was comforting. He was glad he had Seungmin by his side.

"He had a lonely life, but he lived it fully." Jisung wondered what it was like for Minho before he came along. Having to deal with Nan all alone, isolated in that house with no friends. It made him upset, picturing what Minho had to go through.

Jisung didn't even notice he'd begun talking until it happened. "He always had a smile on his face, determined to be happy."

The wind grazed his cheeks and nipped at his ears. It was pleasant, a subtle touch that kept him grounded in reality.

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at him skeptically. "So, you've met Minho too?"

Jisung froze, his eyes widening. Had he just exposed himself? Yes, but there was no harm done in coming to tell the truth, and so with an affirmative nod and a little smile, "Yes, I've known him for quite awhile."

"You have?!" Seungmin spoke louder than one normally would, but Jisung supposed it was resonable, considering the fact he'd kept such a big secret from Seungmin. Although it wasn't his fault, The memory was so traumatic, his brain forced him to forget it ever happened. Now he was satisfied with knowing the truth. Minho did meet him when he was nineteen; he'd kept his promise after all.

"I wish we could've hung out more, Jisung-Kun." Seungmin pouted as he spoke, his knees knocking against Jisung's. They were out in the marsh water, safe and dry, on Changbin's boat.

Yongbok was part of their small circle, and he was currently braiding grass rings for the four of them, biting his lower lip in concentration as he carefully weaved the strands together.

"The plan was always just to stay for the summer." Jisung exhaled softly. He was disappointed too. His time here had been so much fun, and he didn't want to return to the city, where he'd have to go back to school, back to eating alone, and back to staying holed up in his bedroom.

"Will you come again next summer?" Seungmin asked, whipping out his puppy dog's eyes. Jisung scoffed at him, and Yongbok smiled. He had a weak spot for Seungmin's puppy eyes, and the younger boy knew it too.

Jisung hummed. He wasn't a hundred percent sure that he would, but he'd try his best to convince his auntie. "I'm sure I will," he nodded. "I'll write to you!"

He extended out his pinky, to which Seungmin graciously responded, twisting his own pinky with Jisung's. "I put the diary and painting back where I found them." Seungmin said as they pulled apart. Yongbok grabbed his hand, trying to fit the grass ring snugly around his middle finger.

When Minho Was There • MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now